
Christof Heyns during Nelson Mandela International Day. 18 July 2017. News

The Geneva Academy Mourns the Loss of Professor Christof Heyns

30 March 2021

The Geneva Academy is deeply saddened by the sudden passing of Professor Christof Heyns. He was an incredible force of inspiration for all of us at the Geneva Academy – students, researchers and professors.

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Women in bright headscarves walk along Mogadishu street News

RULAC Classifies the Armed Violence between al-Shabab and the Islamic State in Somalia as a Non-International Armed Conflict

23 March 2021

Our RULAC online portal provides a detailed analysis and legal classification of this conflict, including information about parties and applicable international law.

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EU Commission Flags News

Practical Manual on the Right to Seeds in Europe

15 March 2021

This practical manual focuses on the steps that the European Union (EU) and the EU Member States shall take to better protect the right to seeds in Europe.

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Hand on a tablet on cyber space table screen News

Bridging Governance Gaps in the Age of Technology: A Discussion on the State Duty to Protect

11 March 2021

An online expert consultation co-organized with the UN Human Rights’ B-Tech Project discussed regulatory and policy responses to human rights challenges linked to digital technologies.

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FARC fighters in Colombia News

‘From Words to Deeds’: Groundbreaking Studies on FARC-EP and MNLA and Dedicated New Website

9 March 2021

The first of a longer series aimed at producing a global comparative analysis, they provide a unique insight on how two armed non-State actors perceive international humanitarian law and some selected rules contained therein.

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Businessman using his lapto News

Experts Discuss the Humanitarian and Societal Impact of Military Cyber Operations

1 March 2021

At an online workshop – one of the first steps of a research project on the humanitarian consequences and protection needs caused by the digitalization of armed conflicts – cyber experts discussed the humanitarian and societal impact of military cyber operations.

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Fighters in Libya News

10 Years of Expertise on Armed Non-State Actors

25 February 2021

We have been conducting research for more than 10 years on armed non-State actors, and continue to do so via two leading projects.

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Portrait of Joshua Niyo News

Our Teaching Assistant Joshua Niyo Moves to UCLA School of Law to Finalize his Doctoral Research

24 February 2021

Joshua Niyo received a one-year Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) Doc.Mobility grant to spend a year at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) School of Law as Visiting Researcher.

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Flags of the Geneva Human Rights Platform on the Mont-Blanc Bridge News

New: Monthly Newsletter of the Geneva Human Rights Platform

23 February 2021

This monthly newsletter will keep our audience informed about the activities of the platform, upcoming events and key human rights discussions in Geneva and beyond.

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Portrait of Antonio Coco News

LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights: What our Alumni Say

16 February 2021

Antonio Coco is a Lecturer at the University of Essex’s School of Law, where he teaches a variety of courses on international law. In this interview, he tells about the LLM and what it brought to his career.

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