Ten Alumni Featured in the New Edition of the International Review of the Red Cross on Emerging Voices

16 December 2021

Ten Geneva Academy alumni – seven from our LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights (LLM) and three from our Master of Advanced Studies in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law (MTJ) – published an article in the new edition of the International Review of the Red Cross that features emerging voices in the field of humanitarian law, policy and action.

In an attempt to increase the diversity of perspectives represented, the Review launched a global call for papers from ‘emerging voices’, asking for innovative and creative arguments that might shape debates for years to come. 20 articles were selected among over 150 submissions received.

‘The process of narrowing those submissions was gruelling because the quality was through the roof’ says Bruno Demeyere, Editor in Chief of the International Review of the Red Cross.

Tomorrow’s Voices and References in IHL

Among the 20 articles featured in the ‘Emerging Voices’ edition, ten are written by former Geneva Academy students.

‘This shows the quality of our student body and the continuous involvement of our alumni in policy and legal debates pertaining to the protection of the most vulnerable during and following armed conflicts’ says Professor Gloria Gaggioli, Director of the Geneva Academy.

‘I am very proud of such achievement and of knowing that our alumni will form part of tomorrow’s voices and references in IHL’ she adds.

From the Protection of Cultural Heritage to Armed Escorts to Humanitarian Convoys

The articles, written by our alumni, touch upon a variety of issues, from the protection of cultural heritage under IHL and Islamic Law or armed escorts to humanitarian convoys from an IHL perspective to engaging armed groups for the protection of the environment during non-international armed conflicts:

Some of these articles develop the LLM or MTJ paper written by our students, as part of their respective programmes.


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