About the Training Hub

A training course session A training course session

The Geneva Human Rights Platform (GHRP) Training Hub organizes training courses – in Geneva and online – on the work of United Nations (UN) human rights mechanisms and on specific human rights issues like the protection of human rights and the environment or human rights and the Sustainable Development Goals. It also provides customized training courses for international organizations, NGOs, governments, or National Human Rights Institutions.

Relying on our wide network of international experts and practitioners, both formulas provide participants with practical knowledge and insight into the functioning of UN human rights mechanisms.

A combination of theory and practical exercises conducted under the guidance of our lead trainers allows participants to put to test the knowledge acquired in order to enhance their future participation and engagement with the Geneva-based human rights mechanisms.

All participants in our training course have access – ahead, during and following their course – to a dedicated community platform (on Mighty Network). This community brings together all the participants of our courses who have unlimited access to the training materials and resources shared during the course and can exchange with all the GHRP Training Hub alumni.

The training course provided me with a detailed knowledge of the Geneva-based human rights mechanisms, with a focus on the UN Human Rights Council, and allowed me to share my experiences with leading scholars and practitioners on a broad range of core subjects addressed by UN Human Rights Mechanisms. Overall, the course, helped me to advance my professional knowledge and skills in analyzing multiple domestic and international human rights issues, which I address as a diplomat in charge of human rights.

Andualem Yalelet Tessema

Diplomat in charge of human rights, Permanent Mission of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to the UN in Geneva