The LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights in a Nutshell

LLM Class LLM Class


The LLM Master of Advanced Studies in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights is:

  • An intensive one-year programme aimed at educating around 40 highly qualified and open-minded students in all the laws pertaining to armed conflicts
  • An in-depth study of the following areas: international law, international humanitarian law (IHL), international human rights law (IHRL) in armed conflict, international refugee law and international criminal law (ICL)
  • A focus on topical and emerging issues like the Islamic law of armed conflict, or cybersecurity and new military technologies
  • A prestigious faculty composed of leading academics and renowned experts and practitioners who are abreast of the latest developments and debates
  • An ongoing focus on practice via exchanges with practitioners and military actors, work on concrete case scenarios, participation in public pleadings, a course on humanitarian skills, and an internship and the possibility to participate in a moot court
  • A study trip to familiarize with field work
  • An international, multicultural and diverse student body with a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds, experiences and motivations
  • Two annual awards that recognize exceptional academic work
  • Access to our events which provide a critical and scholarly forum for experts and practitioners to discuss and debate topical issues in IHL, IHRL and ICL
  • An LLM-MAS degree conferred by two prestigious academic institutions
  • The foundation for a successful career in inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations dealing with IHL, human rights, ICL refugees or migration, as well as public administration, international tribunals or academic institutions


10 reasons for choosing the LLM-MAS in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights at the Geneva Academy:

  • A leading institution in the field of IHL and IHRL
  • The opportunity to gain solid and unique expertise in IHL, IHRL in armed conflict, international refugee law and ICL and the interplay between them
  • A programme that forms high-level professionals qualified to work as academics, staff members or field workers for inter-governmental, governmental, and non-governmental organizations
  • Familiarity with a wide range of contemporary contexts and challenges
  • The combination of theory and practice
  • A personal teaching style that encourages interaction between students and lecturers
  • Specialized supervised research for the master’s thesis
  • Career counselling and advice
  • Ties with leading actors in the humanitarian and human rights fields
  • A unique human experience during which all those involved (students, faculty and resident staff) develop long-term bonds


  • 60 ECTS Credits
  • Core courses that provide a firm grounding in public international law, IHL, IHRL in armed conflict, international refugee law, ICL and the interplay between them
  • Weekly tutorials that allow students to revise and discuss concepts and issues addressed in the core courses
  • Optional courses that allow students to deepen their expertise in a particular issue such as armed non-state armed groups, the Islamic law of armed conflicts or international disaster law
  • Mandatory internship with leading humanitarian and human rights actors
  • Participation in public pleadings and, for selected students, in the prestigious Jean-Pictet Competition
  • The writing of a master’s paper
  • Possibility to organize a study trip
  • A graduation ceremony

Intense, comprehensive, rich and rewarding: the Geneva Academy’s LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights is the foundation of all of my subsequent professional opportunities and, even several years on, the substance continues to inform my work on a daily basis.

David Tuck

Legal Adviser to the Operations for the Near and Middle East at the International Committee of the Red Cross

Nana-Grébizi prefecture, Kaga-Bandoro hospital. This woman was a victim of sexual violence. The ICRC provides her with psychosocial support and assists her to obtain sustainable livelihoods. Military Briefings

Engaging with Military to Prevent and Respond to Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts

9 April 2024, 18:30-20:00

This Military Briefing will discuss the engagement with military, police and peacekeepers personnel in different geographical settings on prevention and response to sexual violence notably in situations of armed conflicts.

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Anastasiya Dziubanava at the Palais des Nations in Geneva News

LLM in IHL and Human Rights: What our Students Say

5 February 2024

Anastasiya Dziubanava is enrolled in our LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. In this interview, she tells about her background, the programme and what it will bring to her career.

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Portrait of Andrew Botz News

LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights: What our Alumni Say

22 January 2024

As a Human Rights Officer with the UN Mission in South Sudan, Andrew Botz supports investigations into alleged violations of international humanitarian law and human rights in the context of the armed conflict in the country. In this interview, he tells about the programme, fond memories and what it brought to his career.

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