Distance Learning

Student working on a tablet Student working on a tablet

Our Executive Master - MAS in International law in Armed Conflict takes place entirely online (courses, exams, as well as the writing and defence of the master's paper).

An easy and interactive platform allows them to interact directly with professors and other participants during classes and access all the courses’ materials and readings. In case a participant is unable to follow a specific class, she/he can watch the recordings afterwards.

Online Short Courses

Professionals in the field can also follow online our short courses on topical issues and challenges in international law in armed conflict like international refugee law; the interplay between IHL and IHRL; the law of non-international armed conflicts; the protection of persons and property in international armed conflict; the challenges of international criminal justice; preventing and combating terrorism; or the responsibility to protect.

A short course comprises six classes of two hours each. The tuition fee for a short course amounts to CHF 1,250.

Participants obtain a certificate at the end of the course (no ECTS credits are gained).

At first, I thought distance learning was going to be an overwhelming challenge, but over time I have come to realize that it is almost the same as attending the classes in person as it was very interactive. It was particularly convenient in the situation of a global pandemic and time-saving for a person who is maintaining a full-time job as well.

Chantal Touma

Legal Adviser at the ICRC Legal Department in Damascus