New Event Series on the Implementation of the UN Treaty Body Review

16 November 2021

The GHRP Fridays – a new event series of the Geneva Human Rights Platform – will discuss the results of the United Nations (UN) Treaty Body Review 2020 and practical ways to implement change.

Taking place on Fridays from 14:30 to 16:00 at our headquarters Villa Moynier and online, the GHRP Fridays are open to the various stakeholders interacting in Geneva and at the national level with TBs, including diplomats, experts, TB members, staff from the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and civil society.

‘This series offers a unique opportunity to bring the various stakeholders involved in the follow-up and implementation of the UN Treaty Body Review’s outcomes around the table to discuss the best way forward to ensure that UN TBs continue to perform their key role of monitoring and implementing UN human rights treaties’ says Felix Kirchmeier, Executive Director of the Geneva Human Rights Platform.

From Membership to the Focus Reviews

Upcoming GFRP Fridays will discuss a wide range of issues – based on the specific recommendations contained in the Swiss-Moroccan co-facilitator report of the 2020 review process and the report of the 33rd TB Chairperson.

These include the possibilities to synchronize reporting schedules of all TBs, good practices and potential modalities to be introduced in the nomination and election process for new TB members, focused reviews or digital tools for national-level reporting.


This event series is co-organized with the Permanent Missions of Belgium, Canada, Costa Rica, Morocco, Switzerland and Uruguay to the UN in Geneva.

‘We are very pleased to have these partners on board and attendance to our first event on harmonized COVID working methods showed the need for such exchanges to keep the discussion alive and ensure practical changes’ explains Felix Kirchmeier.


A GHRP training course News

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ILGA World Logo News

In Highlight: ILGA World Database

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