Two Students of our MAS in Transitional Justice Organize a Charity to Support Syrian Children

10 December 2021

Two students of our MAS in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of LawSarah Surget and Marie Boulahrouz – are organizing an art sale and raffle to support the NGO Relief and Reconciliation for Syria.

All the benefits of this charity fundraiser – which will take place on Saturday 11 December 2021 at the Maison de la Paix, Petal 2, from 14:00 to 18:00 – will go to this NGO.

Based in Lebanon, Relief and Reconciliation for Syria provides humanitarian assistance and peacebuilding through the right to education. It currently runs four schools attended by 450 Syrian and Lebanese children.

Among the ten artists who donated their artwork for this charity – Alba Jakupi, Anna Zhukovets, Gezy Shuurmans, Jack Romano, Joseph Haim Roche, Marie Carbonneaux, Nico, Sarah Surget, Oriane van Uchelen and Tristan Sanchez – three are enrolled in our MAS in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law!

Painting of Jack Romano

‘In the Spring of 2021, I was on the Syrian border with Relief and Reconciliation for Syria. I have been with several NGOs in the past, but this was the first time that I was truly astonished by the work of an organization, and transformed from my time there. Relief and Reconciliation for Syria is built on Paolo Dall’Oglio’s vision of transitional justice for Syria, and focuses on peacebuilding and humanitarian assistance through the right to education. Seeing the impact that R&R has on the 450 children currently enrolled in Relief and Reconciliation for Syria four schools, I wanted to take this opportunity to support them and raise awareness about their important work. I am very grateful to Marie, who supports this project, as well as to all the artists who donated their work for this sale’ says Sarah Surget.

‘From my Algerian roots, I am very much aware of the importance of the right to education, particularly for children in contexts of armed conflict and displacement, such as my father at the time. I have gained experience in this field by supporting teachers at two pre-schools in Tanzania back in 2019. This experience showed me that beyond the classroom, kids also need to be looked after to make sure they learn and grow in the best possible conditions. A structure that Relief and Reconciliation for Syria provides through its teachers and volunteers. I am therefore proud to co-organize this art sale in order to contribute to the wonderful work of the teachers on the ground and to children’s education, thanks to the generous contributions of burgeoning artists’ explains Marie Boulahrouz.

70 Artwork for Sale and a Raffle

Seventy artworks will be on sale on Saturday, from paintings to photography, jewellery, embroidery or collage.

In addition to the art sale, tickets are also available for a raffle to win a weekend in Paris. They can be bought on 11 December at the Maison de la Paix or via Sms (+41 77 248 78 74).

‘This is a great initiative and we are very proud of Marie and Sarah for organizing it. While they have a very intense and demanding year at the Geneva Academy, they still found the time to put this together. It is also great to discover that we have many artists in our student body! Seeing students developing creative and concrete philanthropic actions in favour of the right to education of Syrian children gives hope for the future’ says Professor Gloria Gaggioli, Director of the Geneva Academy.

‘I am sure that this event will be a success and I encourage all our community – fellow students, faculty members and staff – to support it! ’ she adds.

Paining by Nico  (multi-artist collaboration)


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