
Room of the UN Human Rights Committee, palais Wilson, Geneva News

An Insider’s View on UN Treaty Bodies in 2020

8 June 2021

In our new Working Paper The United Nations Treaty Bodies in a Transition Period – Progress Review, Professor Olivier de Frouville shares his own views on the work of UN treaty bodies during the period running from March to December 2020.

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Alessandra Spadaro during the defence of her PhD thesis News

Our Former Teaching Assistant Alessandra Spadaro Successfully Defended her PhD Thesis

7 June 2021

While most of the existing scholarship focuses only on security detention or internment by armed groups in non-international armed conflicts, her thesis also studies the detentions of armed group members by their own group and criminal detentions for crimes related to the conflict as well as common crimes.

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Portrait of Collins Odhiambo News

Executive Master in International Law in Armed Conflict: What Participants Say

1 June 2021

Collins Odhiambo is a Captain in the Kenyan Air Force and just completed a one-and-a-half-year assignment with the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA). In this interview, he tells about the programme, distance learning and what it brings to his daily work.

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Images of disappeared, Cali, Colombia News

New Paper Discusses Migrants’ Enforced Disappearances and the Contribution of UN Human Rights Mechanisms

19 May 2021

Our new working paper analyses the contribution of international human rights mechanisms in preventing and addressing enforced disappearances in the context of international migration.

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Call for Papers: The Human Rights Impacts of Discrimination and Inequalities

19 May 2021

In the context of the 2021 Human Rights Week and its academic colloquium, graduate and postgraduate researchers who obtained their PhD within the past ten years are invited to submit proposals that explore the different facets of discriminations and inequalities and discuss their human rights impact.

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Visual of a smart city News

Experts Discuss Smart Cities and the Protection of Citizen’s Right to Privacy

18 May 2021

The Geneva Human Rights Platform and the Geneva Cities Hub hosted an online panel to discuss privacy in the context of cities’ increased digitalization. Attended by municipal authorities and communities from around the globe interested in learning more about the privacy challenges related to the digitalization of cities, it brought together a diverse panel with in-depth experience in smart cities projects.

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Henry Dunant at 68 News

The Henry Dunant Prize’s Winning Article will be Published in the International Review of the Red Cross

18 May 2021

Since this academic year, recipients of the Henry Dunant Prize will have the opportunity to publish their paper in the International Review of the Red Cross, a leading publication on IHL, humanitarian policy and humanitarian action.

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LLM Pleadings on South Ossetia at Villa Moynier News

Pleadings on the South Ossetia Conflict Take Place at Villa Moynier

17 May 2021

All LLM students – with the exception of one who pleaded online from Ethiopia – could plead at Villa Moynier in front of the jury composed of Professor Marco Sassòli and Lizaveta Tarasevich, an alumna of the Geneva Academy and Teaching Assistant at the University of Geneva.

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Anh-Thu Vo and Bettina Roska at the entrance of Villa Moynier News

Mandela Moot Court: Students Discuss Human Rights in the Context of COVID-19

11 May 2021

Anh-Thu Vo and Bettina Roska, enrolled in our Master of Advanced Studies in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law, represent this year the Geneva Academy at the Nelson Mandela Moot Court.

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The Grand Morillon Student Residence of the Graduate Institute News

Around 30 Rooms Secured for Our Student in the Graduate Institute’s New Student Residence

3 May 2021

As of  September 2021, incoming students of our LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights and MAS in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law will have the opportunity to stay at the new Grand Morillon student residence of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies.

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