
Toyaota Afghan Police Trucks News

Non-International Armed Conflicts in Afghanistan and The Taliban’s advance on Kabul

18 August 2021

In August 2021, following the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, the Taliban have rapidly taken control of most of the country, Kabul included.

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Picture of Christian Durisch Acosta in front of the Villa Moynier News

Executive Master in International Law in Armed Conflict: What Participants Say

4 August 2021

Christian Durisch Acosta is enrolled in our Executive Master in International Law in Armed Conflict. He completed the programme’s courses back in June 2020 and defended his Executive Master’s paper on siege warfare from a human rights perspective in August 2021.

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Anh-Thu Vo and Bettina Rosk pleading online during the oral rounds of the Nelson Mandela Moot Court News

Oral Rounds of the Mandela Moot Court: Our Team Delves into Complex Human Rights Issues related to COVID-19

20 July 2021

After passing the first round and qualifying for the competition’s final stage, Anh-Thu Vo and Bettina Roska – enrolled in our Master of Advanced Studies in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law – participated in the oral rounds of the Nelson Mandela Moot Court.

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A general view of the Human Rights Council News

Professor Gabriella Citroni Elected to the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances

15 July 2021

Professor Gabriella Citroni – who is part of our LLM Faculty – has been elected to the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances.

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View of Villa Moynier, headquarter of the Geneva Academy News

Our 2020 Annual Report

6 July 2021

The past year has been a demanding year for all of us. It implied, for an academic institution like ours, to adapt all our activities to the online format almost from one day to the next. Besides the related challenges, this exceptional situation allowed us to innovate, expand our audience and activities, and show the continued relevance of our mandate.

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Sana’a, Hay Soufan district. Damages caused by the fighting. News

New Book by Professor Andrew Clapham Examines How the Concept of War Affects the Application of the Law

29 June 2021

In his new book War, our Former Director and Faculty Member Professor Andrew Clapham discusses the relevance of the concept of war today and examines how our notions about war continue to influence how we conceive rights and obligations in national and international law.

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A Royal Air Force CH-47 Chinook helicopter arrives to extract troops at the end of an operation in Afghanistan News

New Guidance on How to Integrate a Disability Perspective into Military Manuals

28 June 2021

Our new Military Briefing: Persons with Disabilities and Armed Conflict provides guidance to the armed forces on how to integrate a disability perspective into military manuals and the training of their militaries.

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World Map News

Three Papers Map Contentious Issues Related to the Application of International Law to Military Cyber Operations

22 June 2021

Three new Working Papers – researched by the Geneva Academy in the context of our research on disruptive military technologies – address some of the main issues of contention concerning the application of international law to military cyber operations.

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View of the Gulf of Mexio from the outer space News

Winning Essay Discusses Digital Safe Havens to Protecting Civilians from Military Cyber Operations

17 June 2021

In her winning essay Digital Safe Havens: Sheltering Civilians From Military Cyber Operations, Isabelle Peart brings forward novel suggestions on how to reduce the risk of harm to civilians posed by military cyber operations.

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Aerial view of Manila News

The GHRP Reiterates the Importance of Conducting Focused Reviews in Regions

14 June 2021

At the online meeting of the Chairpersons of UN human rights treaty bodies, the Executive Director of the Geneva Human Rights Platform reiterated the importance of conducting dialogues with state parties concerning their reports at the national or regional level.

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