Call for Papers: The Human Rights Impacts of Discrimination and Inequalities

19 May 2021

In the context of the 2021 Human Rights Week and its academic colloquium, graduate and postgraduate researchers who obtained their PhD within the past ten years are invited to submit proposals that explore the different facets of discriminations and inequalities and discuss their human rights impact in relation to the following three sub-themes:

  • Discriminations against specific groups
  • Discriminations in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Discrimination in armed conflicts, counter-terrorism and states of emergencies.

The detailed call for paper can be consulted here.

Deadlines for Proposals and Papers

Applicants are invited to submit proposals of up to 500 words, in English, plus a short biographical note of 100 words, and 5 keywords to Ms Roswitha Zahler (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by 7 June 2021, 5 pm CET.

Applicants whose proposals have been selected will be informed by mid-June 2021.

Final papers, of about 8,000 words in English, to be submitted by selected applicants, will be due by Thursday 30 September 2021.

About the Human Rights Week

The Human Rights Week is a major event in Geneva for anyone interested in the current human rights challenges that our world is facing. Organized by the University of Geneva in partnership with the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, the Republic and State of Geneva and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, it consists of a week-long series of events, including conferences, debates, film screenings, exhibitions and artistic performances. The 2021 edition will focus on discrimination and inequalities.

About The Academic Colloquium

At the Human Rights Week centrepiece, an academic colloquium brings leading experts and practitioners who will explore the different facets of discriminations and inequalities and discuss their human rights impact in our contemporary world.


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