
A session of the PhD Forum predecessor, the Geneva Academy Wednesdays News

The PhD Forum: A Space for Exchange for Researchers and PhD Students

11 November 2022

The Geneva Academy PhD Forum is a space that gathers PhD researchers and experts – in Geneva and beyond – who work in the scientific focus area of the Geneva Academy.

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View of the 2022 Graduation Ceremony News

Three Prizes Awarded to Graduating Students for their Exceptional Academic Work

7 November 2022

These prizes – the Henry Dunant Research Prize, the Best LLM Paper Prize and the Best MTJ Paper Prize –, awarded during the Graduation Ceremony, recognize the exceptional academic work of three graduating students.

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View of the 2022 Graduation Ceremony News

122 Students Graduate from our Three Master’s Programmes

7 November 2022

In the presence of students and their families and friends, Faculty members and Geneva Academy staff – with some students and their families participating remotely – the Graduation Ceremony was the occasion to celebrate this important milestone, congratulate our students for this achievement and say goodbye.

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Portrait of Nataliia Hendel News

Ukrainian IHL Professor Hosted at the Geneva Academy

31 October 2022

The Geneva Academy is hosting during a year Dr Nataliia Hendel, a Professor of international law at the International Humanitarian University in Odesa, Ukraine, and an expert in IHL.

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New Geneva Academy Podcast Series on Contemporary Issues Related to War(s)

14 October 2022

In and Around War(s) is a new podcast series of the Geneva Academy on contemporary legal issues related to wars.

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Groundnuts at the weekly market of Chiana, Kassena Nankana District - Ghana. News

Major Publication Concludes a Multi-Year Project on Agricultural Commercialisation, Gender Equality and the Right to Food

11 October 2022

The book analyses processes of agricultural commercialization and their impact on gender inequalities and the enjoyment of the human rights to food, land and social security in Cambodia and Ghana.

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Destuction in eastern Ukraine News

Referendums on Joining Russia in Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson: What Impact on Conflicts Classification?

10 October 2022

Our Research Fellow Dr Chiara Redaelli tells us whether these referendums will affect our RULAC classification of the armed conflicts that are currently taking place in Ukraine.

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Orphanage in Chiredzi, Zimbabwe. News

The Geneva Human Rights Platform Accompanied the Adoption of a UN Statement on Illegal Intercountry Adoptions

4 October 2022

Two UN treaty bodies, three UN Special Rapporteurs and the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances issued a Joint Statement on illegal intercountry adoptions.

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Online reception of the executive master News

35 Professionals Start their Online Learning Journey in our Executive Master in International Law in Armed Conflict

4 October 2022

The 35 professionals enrolled in our online Executive Master in International Law in Armed Conflict have just started their programme with two courses: an introductory course on international law and the international legal order and a course on international humanitarian law.

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Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky, Independent Expert on the effects of foreign debt present his annual report and reports on his missions to China and Greece at the 31st regular session of the Human Rights Council. 7 March 2016 News

New Expert Pool Will Strengthen the Capacity of Human Rights Mechanisms to Incorporate IHL into Their Work

29 September 2022

As part of this new IHL-EP, the Geneva Academy requested to intervene as a third party in the proceedings before the European Court of Human Rights concerning the case of Ukraine v. Russia (X).

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