17 October 2023

In its last session, the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council (HRC) created an international monitoring mechanism on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas.

This working group will be responsible for the promotion and implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas (UNDROP), adopted by the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in 2018.

The Geneva Academy, via its research on the rights of peasants, has played a key role in the adoption of UNDROP and, since then, has been working on its implementation. The creation of this new mechanism forms part of this endeavour and marks a significant step forward.

Along with its partners in the project Rights-based and Agroecological Initiatives for Sustainability and Equity in Peasant Communities (RAISE) – supported by the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) and focusing on implementing UNDROP in 10 countries of the Global South – we welcome this creation.

The full press release by the RAISE partners is available here.


Madagascar, Miarinarivo district. Women transplanting rice. Project

The Rights of Peasants

Started in May 2008

After having provided academic support to the negotiation of the UN Declaration for ten years, this research project focuses on the implementation of the UN Declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas.

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Wheat field Project

The Right to Seeds in Europe

Started in January 2018

The project will notably identify the main opportunities and obstacles to protect the right to seeds in Europe. It will also discuss how to promote changes in European laws, policies and trade agreements to ensure that they do not infringe, but facilitate the realization of peasants’ right to seeds.

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Cover page of the research brief Publication

Le Droit aux Semences en Afrique

published on June 2023

Christophe Golay, Karine Peschard

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Cover page of the research brief Publication

The Right to Seeds in Africa

published on June 2023

Christophe Golay, Karine Peschard

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