Vladimir Varfolomeev
According to our RULAC online portal, the border fighting between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan that took place in mid-September 2022 amounts to an international armed conflict (IAC).
In parallel to the 9th session of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture Governing Body, the Geneva Academy is contributing to the upcoming negotiations on farmers’ rights with a timely briefing paper.
Domenico Zipoli
At a roundtable organized by OHCHR in partnership with the Geneva Human Rights Platform, the Universal Rights Group, and the Danish Institute for Human Rights, experts discussed how they intend to give effect to the recommendations made in HRC report 50/64 on the establishment and development of national mechanisms for implementation, reporting and follow-up.
Geneva Academy
The 41 students enrolled in our LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights and the 38 enrolled in our MAS in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law (MTJ) arrived in Geneva for their orientation week.
Geneva Academy
A Senior Researcher at The Danish Institute for Human Rights and the author of the multiple prize-winning book The Making of International Human Rights, Steven L. B. Jensen just started as Visiting Fellow at the Geneva Academy.
Geneva Academy
As we celebrate this year our 15th anniversary, we developed on this occasion a dedicated logo to mark this birthday and accompany all our communication and events around this milestone!
Geneva Academy
The Geneva Academy is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Erica Harper as its new Head of Research and Policy Studies. Dr Harper succeeds Felix Kirchmeier who remains the Executive Director of the Geneva Human Rights Platform.
Geneva Academy
Renewed fighting – despite ongoing peace talks – prompted the reclassification of the armed violence between Thailand and the Barisan Revolusi Nasional Coordinate (BRN) on our Rule of Law in Armed Conflict online portal.
Geneva Academy
The flags of our Geneva Human Rights Platform are flying on the Mont-Blanc Bridge to mark the platform's fifth anniversary.
Yan Boechat/VOA
In addition to the ongoing non-international armed conflict (NIAC) that opposes Ethiopia to the Tigray People’s Liberation Front, our RULAC online portal just classified a parallel NIAC between Ethiopia and the Oromo Liberation Army.