Mirek Pruchnicki
EventThis event of our Geneva Human Rights Platform will discuss the protection of children in international migration on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the adoption of two General Comments by UN treaty bodies.
Alejandro Ortiz, Unsplash
EventDuring this event, testimonies from two peasant communities, located in the South of Bolivar and in the North of Cauca, will be presented, telling us about their struggle for peasant rights, including their right to adequate food and nutrition.
Melissa Bradley, Unsplash
EventThis side event to the 51st session of the UN Human Rights Council will discuss the role of states, NGOs, international organizations and human rights experts in promoting and protecting the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment.
EventThis roundtable will discuss the protection of torture survivors and their difficulties in effectively accessing national and international protection mechanisms.
UN Photo/Violaine Martin
EventParticipants will share about concrete initiatives in view of further strengthening national mechanisms for implementation, reporting and follow-up.
UN Photo
EventThe Third Annual Nelson Mandela Human Rights Lecture will address the topic of climate justice.
EventThis side event to the 50th session of the Human Rights Council, will analyse from a human rights perspective the key risks, challenges, and opportunities arising from the Chilean Constitutional processes.&
Atlas Network
ATLASIn this online event co-organized with the ATLAS Network, prominent women in international law will share their experience and advice through an interactive discussion.
Rajeev Rajagopalan
EventThis event will discuss good practices, lessons learned and challenges in the implementation of UNDROP.
IsaaK Alexandre KaRslian, Unsplash
EventThis event aims at raising international awareness on the human rights situation of women and girls in Afghanistan and propose recommendations for effective action by the international community.