Event information

5 March 2022, 19:15-21:00

New Technologies and Manipulation | Chelsea Manning


Portrait of Chelsea Manning Portrait of Chelsea Manning

The Geneva Academy is co-presenting this in-depth interview with Chelsea Manning at the 20th edition of the International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights (FIFDH) (English and French).

New technologies offer increasingly practical tools to citizens. They also allow control of their users, especially by governments.

Chelsea Manning, a former US Army analyst and whistleblower who revealed abuses committed by US soldiers in Iraq, brings her unique perspective on the issues of surveillance, user control and increased data analysis capabilities. As a security expert and now a collaborator of the Neuchâtel-based start-up Nym Technologies, Chelsea Manning helps develop tools to ensure the privacy of our online data. Is it still possible to limit the surveillance and hacking of private data?

The makers of the documentary  Made to Measure that will precede the interview with Chelsea Manning have found a fascinating and disturbing way to remind us of the risks involved.


  • Gloria Gaggioli, Director, Geneva Academy
  • Cosima Terrasse


  • Chelsea Manning, Former US Army analyst and employee of the Neuchâtel-based start-up Nym Technologies


  • Bruno Giussani, Global Curator of the TED Conferences and Chairman, International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights (FIFDH)

Documentary: Made to Measure

Can a person be recreated alone based on their search history? Five years of a woman's life have been excavated to create a composite portrait, subsequently played by an actress. The original is then presented to its double.

Part experiment, part cross-media project, part documentary, Made to Measure – by Hans Block, Moritz Riesewieck and Cosima Terrasse – is a dizzying project about the surrender of our private lives, directed by the filmmakers behind The Cleaners (FIFDH 2018).


New Technologies and Manipulation | Chelsea Manning

Watch the interview with Chelsea Manning at the 20th edition of the International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights (FIFDH) that will be preceded by the documentary  Made to Measure,co-presented by the Geneva Academy.



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