etlene Reskp, Unsplash
EventThis bilingual workshop, held in English and French, aims to raise awareness about the upcoming changes to the EU seed marketing legislation and explore pathways to align it with the right to seeds.
IHL TalksIn this online book launch – part of our IHL Talk series – Professor René Provost will discuss with leading scholars in IHL and human rights the legal and practical challenges related to the administration of justice by armed groups.
chrissie kremer, Unplash
Human Rights ConversationsIn this Human Rights Conversation, panelists will reflect on the principle of universality of human rights – and associated challenges – in specific relation to the advancement of minority issues at the UN.
Chris Yang, Unplash
EventThis panel at the 2021 UN Forum on Business and Human Rights, co-organized with the OHCHR B-Tech project, will discuss the idea of a so-called ‘UNGPs check’ to inform the design of tech regulation.
Eric Rothermel, Unplash
EventThis GHRP Friday will discuss calendars in place and possibilities to synchronize reporting schedules of all UN treaty bodies.
Tim Mossholder, Unsplash
EventThe two-day Scientific Colloquium of the 2021 Human Rights Week will explore the different facets of discrimination and inequalities and will discuss their human rights impact in our contemporary world.
Current Issues in Armed Conflict ConferenceThe 2021 edition will address two contemporary challenges and issues related to armed conflict: the classification of non-international armed conflicts in which a myriad of armed non-state actors are involved; and cyber conflicts.
Chris Montgomery, Unsplash
EventThis GHRP Friday will allow UN treaty body members to report back on their experiences and to discuss lessons for a post-COVID setting.
Jason Dent, Unsplash
EventWe look forward to welcoming our graduating students, their friends, families and our professors to the 2021 Graduation Ceremony.
VOA, via Wikimedia Commons
IHL TalksThis online IHL talk aims at shining light on some of the many legal, political and protection-related challenges stemming from the situation in Afghanistan.