The 1949 Geneva Conventions: A Commentary

The four Geneva Conventions, adopted in 1949, remain the fundamental basis of contemporary international humanitarian law. In this ground-breaking commentary, over sixty international law experts investigate the application of the Geneva Conventions and explain how they should be interpreted today. Particular attention is paid to the changing nature of armed conflicts and questions related to the threshold for armed conflict, the beginning and end of occupations, the geographical scope of conflicts and the complex interactions between the Geneva Conventions and branches of international law such as international criminal law, refugee law and human rights law.

A Project Conducted under the Auspices of the Geneva Academy

This publication is the result of a collaboration between the Faculty from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies and the Law Faculty of the University of Geneva, co-ordinated and facilitated by the Geneva Academy.

Besides, the three editors, several Geneva Academy’s researchers, alumni, lecturers and professors contributed to this volume, including Annyssa Bellal, Vincent Chetail, Jérôme de Hemptinne, Giovanni Distefano, Iris van der Heijden, Robert Kolb and Nishat Nishat.

2017 Certificate of Merit by the American Society of International Law

The American Society of International Law has awarded their 2017 Certificate of Merit for ‘High Technical Craftsmanship and Utility to Practicing Lawyers and Scholars’ to the book.


The 1949 Geneva Conventions: A Commentary

In this event for the book  published by Oxford University Press, the three editors discussed with key experts and the public specific issues addressed by the commentary, including the extent to which some of 'the Conventions’ rules can now be transposed to non-international armed conflicts, the relationship with other branches of international law (such as human rights law), and the implementation of the Geneva Conventions through inter alia international criminal courts.


Picture of Paola Gaeta

Paola Gaeta

Director of the Geneva Academy and Professor of International Law at the Geneva Graduate Institute

Paola Gaeta is the Director of the Geneva Academy and a Full Professor of International Law, with extensive experience in academic, advisory, and training roles in international criminal law.

Picture of Andrew Clapham

Andrew Clapham

Professor of International Law at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies

Andrew Clapham is an expert in international law, international human rights law and international humanitarian law. His current research focuses on the concept of war.


Cover page of the book The 1949 Geneva Conventions: A Commentary News

‘The 1949 Geneva Conventions: A Commentary’ receives the American Society of International Law 2017 Certificate of Merit

6 February 2017

We are pleased to announce that the American Society of International Law has awarded their 2017 Certificate of Merit for ‘High Technical Craftsmanship and Utility to Practicing Lawyers and Scholars’ to the book The 1949 Geneva Conventions: A Commentary, edited by Professors Andrew Clapham, Paola Gaeta, and Marco Sassòli.

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Cover page of the book News

‘The 1949 Geneva Conventions: A Commentary’ is Now Available in Paperback!

27 February 2018

In this ground-breaking commentary, conducted under the auspices of the Geneva Academy, over sixty international law experts investigate the application of the Geneva Conventions and explain how they should be interpreted today.

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