
Portrait of Luisa Fernanda Gómez Betancur in front of Geneva Lake. News

MAS in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law: What our Students Say

29 January 2019

In this interview, Luisa Fernanda Gómez Betancur, currently enrolled in our Master of Advanced Studies in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law, tells us about the programme and life in Geneva.

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Participants in the meeting News

Members of United Nations Treaty Bodies Discuss Individual Communication Procedures

28 January 2019

At a meeting in Paris, members of United Nations (UN) human rights treaty bodies as well as staff from the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, staff from regional human rights courts and academics discussed UN TBs individual communication procedures.

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Central African Republic, Bangui, Bangui. Seleka fighters patrol the streets. News

Central African Republic: Renewed Clashes and Increased Involvement of the UN Peacekeeping Mission

25 January 2019

This War Report article provides detailed information about the history of the ongoing conflict in the Central African Republic, parties to the conflict, key developments in 2018 and war crimes allegations since July 2002.

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Portrait of Harshwardhan Akolkar News

LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights: What our Students Say

24 January 2019

In this interview, Harshwardhan Akolkar, currently enrolled in our LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, tells us about the programme and life in Geneva.

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Portrait of Zoë Doss, in front of the Musée d'ethnographie in Geneva News

MAS in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law: What our Students Say

22 January 2019

In this interview, Zoë Doss, currently enrolled in the Master of Advanced Studies in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law, tells us about the programme and life in Geneva.

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Democratic Republic ofn the Congo,  North Kivu province, Kitchanga downtown. The insanitary conditions next to the market worsens the situation of the residents affected by the recent violence. News

Democratic Republic of the Congo: Devastating Conflict in the Eastern Regions and Political Violence in Kinshasa

22 January 2019

Our new War Report article Democratic Republic of the Congo: Conflict in the Eastern Regions provides background information on the current violence in the county, recent developments and the main parties to the conflict in North and South Kivu, Ituri and Northern Katanga.

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Map of the RULAC online portal with the pop-up window of the non-international armed conflicts in Sudan News

Sudan: Several Overlapping Non-International Armed Conflicts in Darfur, Kordofan and Blue Nile States

18 January 2019

Our Rule of Law in Armed Conflict (RULAC) online portal provides a detailed analysis and legal classification of the various non-international armed conflicts that are taking place in Sudan, including information about parties to these conflicts.

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Workers drying freshly plucked chilies for further processing at Gabbur, Raichur district, Karnataka, India. News

Article Examines How UN Human Rights Mechanisms Address Gendered Inequalities in Access to and Rights over Food and Land

17 January 2019

The article Engendering the Right to Food? International Human Rights Law, Food Security and the Rural Woman, written by our Senior Research Fellow Dr Joanna Bourke Martignoni, examines how United Nations human rights mechanisms address the role and status of rural women in the context of food security and the rights to food and land.

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The Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice CEO Mary Robinson speaks during a meeting of the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Lead Group at UNICEF House, New York City, United States of America, Monday 18 September 2017 News

Mary Robinson Refers to our Research on Human Rights and the SDGs at Human Rights Council Meeting on the 2030 Agenda

17 January 2019

Our publication No One will be Left Behind and its recommendations have been widely cited in Mary Robinson 's speech at the United Nations Human Rights Council inter-sessional meeting on human rights and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

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Portrait of Anthoula Bourolias in the Library of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies News

MAS in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law: What our Students Say

15 January 2019

In this interview, Anthoula Bourolias, currently enrolled in the Master of Advanced Studies in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law (MTJ), tells us about the programme and life in Geneva.

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