In Highlight: TransMonEE Database and Dashboard

25 April 2024

Stakeholders at both national and international levels have introduced a growing number of digital human rights tracking tools and databases (DHRTTDs) designed to facilitate a more holistic approach to human rights monitoring and implementation.

Via its DHRTTDs Directory, the Geneva Human Rights Platform (GHRP) provides a comprehensive list and description of such key tools and databases. But how to navigate them? Which tool should be used for what, and by whom?

In this interview, Milica Mirković, Intern at the Geneva Human Rights Platform and Amy Reidy, Data Ingestion and Analytics Consultant at UNICEF, help us better understand the specificities of the April highlight of the directory: the TransMonEE Database and Dashboard.

What is special about this tool? What differentiates TransMonEE Database/Dashboard from other tracking tools and databases?

The TransMonEE Database and Dashboard distinguish themselves as valuable resources in the landscape of child rights data collection and analysis in several ways. Firstly, the Database is quite comprehensive: it aggregates over 700 indicators from a diverse range of international sources as well as direct data compilations by Governments on specific groups of children. These indicators span 35 subdomains aligned with the Europe and Central Asia Child Rights Monitoring (ECA CRM) Framework, offering a breadth of data relevant to child rights in the region.

Another useful feature is the database and dashboard's focus on disaggregation. They aim to provide data disaggregated by sex, age, residence (urban/rural), and wealth. This level of detail is critical for identifying disparities and tailoring interventions to the needs of specific groups, thereby enhancing equity and effectiveness in policy and program design.

The TransMonEE tools rely on technology through the integration of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). APIs facilitate the seamless, timely update of data, ensuring accuracy and reliability. This technical innovation supports automated updates and minimizes errors in data collection.

The TransMonEE Dashboard reveals data gaps by showing which countries lack data for specific indicators, which is relevant to targeted data improvement efforts across the region.

The dashboard's design offers two primary views for data exploration—via the ECA CRM Framework or by specific indicators—complemented by various filters and visualization tools. For topics requiring deeper dives, it provides links to specialized UNICEF dashboards and resources. Furthermore, a standout feature is the dashboard's direct connection to the Committee on the Rights of the Child’s recommendations, which offers actionable insights and bridges data with real-world applications.

Are there other tools relying on TransMonEE?

Yes, the TransMonEE Database serves as a resource for several other tools. Besides powering the TransMonEE Dashboard, which presents comprehensive data for all 55 countries in the region, the database also feeds into the Digital State of Child Rights portals. These portals are specialized tools for over 10 countries within the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region.

The Digital State of Child Rights portals utilize the TransMonEE Database's collection of indicators to automatically extract data for their dashboards. By drawing from the TransMonEE Database, these portals can present stakeholders with the most current and comprehensive data on child rights. This ensures consistency in data across different tools and platforms, allowing for reliable comparisons and informed policy-making.

The seamless integration via APIs means that any updates or new data added to the TransMonEE Database are automatically reflected in the TransMonEE Dashboard and the Digital State of Child Rights portals.

Can you give a concrete example of how it can be used to monitor the national implementation of international human rights obligations?

The TransMonEE Database and Dashboard aid in monitoring national compliance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child by providing accessible data on key outcome- and impact-level indicators. For instance, users can track educational enrolment rates to evaluate adherence to the right to education (Article 28) or analyze gender-disaggregated data to monitor efforts against discrimination (Article 2). Longitudinal data allows for the assessment of policy impacts over time, directly linking progress in implementation to international human rights obligations. Additionally, the direct linkage of data in the TransMonEE Dashboard to the Committee on the Rights of the Child’s recommendations enables users to specifically look at how the national data trends align with international obligations and recommendations. This aids in assessing compliance with the Convention and in identifying areas requiring more attention.

Who are its main users?

The TransMonEE Database and Dashboard serve:

  • UN Agencies, NGOs, and Child Advocacy Groups: These organizations rely on the database for actionable insights, program evaluation, and the promotion of child rights, aligning their initiatives with verified data and the latest recommendations from the Committee on the Rights of the Child.
  • Government Officials, Policy Makers, and National Statistical Offices: Engaged in policy formulation and evaluation, these users utilize the tool for planning, tracking progress on national and international goals, and managing official reporting.
  • Researchers, Academics, and the Engaged Public: This group includes scholars conducting analysis and studies on child rights issues, as well as proactive citizens seeking to understand and engage with the state of child welfare in their region.

Are there any upcoming developments related to the TransMonEE Database/Dashboard that you would like to share?

We’re looking forward to several enhancements for the TransMonEE Database/Dashboard. While the creation of country profile pages is currently in the ideation phase, with no set timeline for launch, this feature is anticipated to provide users with an in-depth look at individual countries’ data. For comparative analyses, the averages for each indicator will be carefully computed from the subset of country-related data, providing a realistic regional perspective for stakeholders.

Concurrently, we are dedicated to the progressive expansion of the database. As new data streams become available and are integrated into the database, the most pertinent indicators will be selected for addition to the dashboard. This ensures that our users always have access to the most recent and most relevant data.

Additionally, we are committed to further aligning the indicators featured in the dashboard with the ECA CRM Framework, a process that will be refined as these indicators stabilize. This alignment will enhance the dashboard's functionality and make it more valuable for monitoring and analysis under the Framework's structured approach to child rights.


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