A Regional Consultation for North America and the English Speaking Caribbean on the Future of the UN Treaty Body System

Roundtable discussion during the Regional Consultation for North America and the English Speaking Caribbean on the Future of the UN Treaty Body System Roundtable discussion during the Regional Consultation for North America and the English Speaking Caribbean on the Future of the UN Treaty Body System

12 June 2017

In the context of our Academic Platform on Treaty Body Review 2020, an academic process contributing to the 2020 review of UN treaty bodies by the General Assembly (GA), Columbia University in the city of New York hosted the regional consultation for North America and the English speaking Caribbean on 1-2 June 2017.

Participating academics, NGO representatives and treaty body (TB) members focused on the meaning of the TB system in politically challenging times and examined possibilities for improving the impact of TB processes that are achievable under current mandates and without additional GA resolutions.

The meeting concluded with calls for stronger collaboration within the system and a principled reinforcement of the insistence on state obligations of reporting and implementation in line with the treaty missions of promoting and protection human rights.

The report of the consultation will be published shortly.

Regional Consultation for North Amercia Treaty Body Review 2020


Podcast visual News

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A meeting of the Treaty Body Members Platform News

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