First Customized Training Course on UN Human Rights Mechanisms

Miloon Khotari, human rights experts, during the training course on UN human rights mechanisms Miloon Khotari, human rights experts, during the training course on UN human rights mechanisms

5 May 2017

During one week, ten Chinese, Indonesian, Vietnamese, and Iranian university teachers and scholars deepened their knowledge and expertise of UN human rights mechanisms during a customized training course co-organized with the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights of the University of Oslo.

Insights Into the Work of UN Human Rights Mechanisms

Participants had the opportunity, via lectures by experts, interactive exercises, and direct observation of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process and the work of UN treaty bodies, to familiarize themselves with the UN human rights machinery.

Customized Training UN Human Rights Mechanisms Oslo University

An Annual Course on the UN Human Rights Council

This customized training course is an off spring of our traditional annual course Leading in the UN Human Rights Council.


A session during the follow-up review News

Report Highlights the Potentials of UN Treaty Bodies Follow-Up Review at Regional Level

5 February 2024

Our Geneva Human Rights Platform just released the latest report of its third and final follow-up review pilot conducted in Nadi, Fiji, in collaboration with the Pacific Community and the Commonwealth Secretariat.

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A GHRP training course News

Geneva Human Rights Platform’s Training Hub: Expanding Offerings and Partnerships for 2024

16 February 2024

2023 has been a busy and fruitful year for our Geneva Human Rights Platform’s Training Hub which starts 2024 with an enhanced offer.

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A general view of participants during of the 33nd ordinary session of the Human Rights Council. Training

The Universal Periodic Review and the UN Human Rights System: Raising the Bar on Accountability

11-15 November 2024

This training course will explore the origin and evolution of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) and its functioning in Geneva and will focus on the nature of implementation of the UPR recommendations at the national level.

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View of a session of the UN Human Rights Council Project

Human Rights Conversations

Started in January 2020

A series of events aimed at discussing contemporary issues and challenges related to the promotion and protection of human rights in Geneva and beyond.

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A session of the UN Human Rights Council Project

IHL Expert Pool

Started in January 2022

The IHL-EP works to strengthen the capacity of human rights mechanisms to incorporate IHL into their work in an efficacious and comprehensive manner. By so doing, it aims to address the normative and practical challenges that human rights bodies encounter when dealing with cases in which IHL applies.

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Cover Page of Research Brief Publication

Unpacking the Climate Migration Extremism Nexus Mapping the Coping Strategies of Kenyan Pastorialists

published on April 2024

Erica Harper, Yosuke Nagai

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Cover Page of Research Brief Publication

Unpacking the Burgeoning Challenge of Environmental Protection and the Right to Food in the Context of Armed Conflict

published on April 2024

Erica Harper, Junli Lim

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