Discover the main activities and highlights of the Geneva Human Rights Platform.
The Geneva Human Rights Platform and the Geneva Cities Hub hosted an online panel to discuss privacy in the context of cities’ increased digitalization. Attended by municipal authorities and communities from around the globe interested in learning more about the privacy challenges related to the digitalization of cities, it brought together a diverse panel with in-depth experience in smart cities projects.
CCPR Centre
The Geneva Human Rights Platform is collaborating with the Centre for Human Rights at the University of Pretoria and OHCHR in the development of an online database aimed at assessing the impact of the UN human rights treaty body system.
Our Research Fellow Dr Domenico Zipoli just defended with success his PhD thesis The Power of Engagement: Assessing the Effectiveness of Cooperation between UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies and National Human Rights Institutions.
UN Photo by Violaine Martin
Our new Working Paper Towards Transversal Standards to Evaluate the Impact of UN Special Procedures discusses the impact of UN Special Procedures, reviews progress made to measure it, and proposes avenues to improve this assessment.
UN Photo / Jean-Marc Ferré
The Geneva Academy is deeply saddened by the sudden passing of Professor Christof Heyns. He was an incredible force of inspiration for all of us at the Geneva Academy – students, researchers and professors.
An online expert consultation co-organized with the UN Human Rights’ B-Tech Project discussed regulatory and policy responses to human rights challenges linked to digital technologies.
Geneva Academy
This monthly newsletter will keep our audience informed about the activities of the platform, upcoming events and key human rights discussions in Geneva and beyond.
Senado Federal
Experts from Geneva-based human rights mechanisms and representatives from more than 20 different national human rights systems discussed in an online meeting the implementation of human rights standards through national human rights systems.
Isaac Billy/UNMISS
During an online expert meeting hosted by the Geneva Human Rights Platform, more than 20 UN Special Rapporteurs and members of UN working groups, as well as OHCHR staff, civil society representatives and lawyers explored how the impact of UN Special Procedures’ visits, recommendations and inquiries can be effectively measured and evaluated.
Geneva Academy
With more than 400 registered participants – both online and in Geneva – the Annual Conference brought all the relevant stakeholders in the discussions around this topical human rights issue.