Event information

21-24 October 2023

2023 Annual Conference: Connecting Geneva and New York for Enhanced Human Rights Protection

GHRP Annual Conference

New York City Manhattan with view of Un Headquarters New York City Manhattan with view of Un Headquarters

Connectivity of the human rights debates that take place in New York and Geneva to strengthen the toolbox for networked multilateralism: What role do human rights play in a universal, inclusive and more effective approach to peace and security?

There are many connections between Geneva and New York when it comes to the United Nations (UN) human rights architecture. While most mechanisms are based in Geneva, New York has a decisive influence on them – both substantially but also financially: resolutions from the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) transit to the UN General Assembly (UNGA) 3rd Committee; UN Special Rapporteurs report annually to both the HRC and UNGA; debates on the development of the UN human rights treaty system take place in Geneva with decisions taken in New York.

On the other hand, considerations on peace and security, when blocked at the UN Security Council (UNSC) take new turns and lead to innovation in the HRC, while UN human rights mechanisms often play an early warning role for the UNSC, as pointed out by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Mr Volker Türk.

The 2023 Annual Conference of the Geneva Human Rights Platform (GHRP) will take place in New York – with the possibility to also join discussions online – to precisely explore the many links between Geneva and New York, the relevance of Geneva's outputs in New York debates, and the implications for the promotion and protection of human rights. The discussions will be held as a series of linked, but independent events as follows (detailed descriptions, partner organizations, venues and timing are provided in the individual flyers and on the specific even pages).

21 October Starter: Panel at the ABILA International Weekend

On 21 October, the GHRP, the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights and the Albanian branch of the International Law Association co-organize a panel discussion at the ABILA International Weekend on the practice of UN human rights treaty bodies (TBs).

You can find here more information about this panel discussion.

23–24 October: Four Panel Discussion

Four panel discussions will address the following issues:

1. Enhancing cooperation between New York and Geneva for the Protection of Children in Armed Conflict and from Other Forms of Violence – Monday 23 October, 11:30 (EST):

This high-level panel, which can be followed in person at UN Headquarters or online, officially launches the GHRP 2023 Annual Conference.

You can find here more information about this high-level panel.

2. Informal Briefing to Members of the UN Security Council  – Monday 23 October at 16:00 (EST)

This informal briefing for members of the UN Security Council (upon invitation only) will discuss the links between Geneva-based UN human rights mechanisms and the UN peace and security architecture, focusing on the substantive inputs that the human rights system can provide to NYC-centered debates.

3. UN Accountability Mechanisms – Tuesday 24 October at 10:30 (EST)

This panel, organized in cooperation with the Co-Chairs of the Human Rights Caucus, can be followed in person at the Baha’i International UN Office or online. It will discuss UN Accountability Mechanisms, including independent investigative mechanisms and commissions of inquiry mandated by the UN General Assembly and the UN Human Rights Council.

You can find here more information about this event.

4. Geneva Meets New York: Workshop for Small Delegations at the 3rd Committee – Tuesday 24 October at 15:00 (EST)

This public workshop at the UN Church Center for small delegations in New York aims to provide them with an overview of the UN human rights system and resolutions in the 3rd Committee of the UN General Assembly, grounded in resolutions of the UN Human Rights Council.

You can find here more information about this public workshop.

About the Annual Conference

This annual flagship public event open to all human rights actors  – diplomats, experts, NGOs, members of UN treaty bodies, Special Rapporteurs, international organizations, National Human Rights Institutions and academics – addresses current issues and challenges in the work of Geneva-based human rights mechanisms.



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