Event information

3 December 2021, 10:00-12:00

UNDROP in the Future EU Seed Marketing Reform


Germinating seed Germinating seed

This bilingual workshop, held in English and French, thanks to the support of SOS Faim Luxembourg, aims to raise awareness about the upcoming changes to the European Union (EU) seed marketing legislation, and explore pathways to align it with the right to seeds recognized by the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas (UNDROP).

UNDROP’s right to seeds, through its holistic approach, requires legislative changes at EU and national levels in many different policy fields. This webinar will focus on those that are needed within rules that govern the marketing of seeds, which are undergoing a reform process, with an EU Commission proposal expected by the end of 2022.


Discover this workshop's programme in English and French.

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UNDROP in the Future EU Seed Marketing Reform

This bilingual workshop, held in English and French, aimed to raise awareness about the upcoming changes to the EU seed marketing legislation and explore pathways to align it with the right to seeds.



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