Regulating business conduct in the technology sector gaps and ways forward in applying the UNGPs

Concerns regarding the human rights impact of business conduct in the technology sector are not new – whether related to the dissemination of illegal content via online platforms, data collection or online surveillance.

While there is agreement about the need to better regulate technology company conduct, it remains essential to place international human rights law (IHRL) at the centre of regulatory and policy frameworks.

This Research Brief published with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) B-Tech project on Regulating Business Conduct in the Technology Sector: Gaps and Ways Forward in Applying the UNGPs depicts the prominent gaps in regulatory approaches to business conduct in the technology sector with regard to the United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). Further, the research brief suggests how such alignment could be improved and sketches ongoing conceptual work by the OHCHR B-Tech project on engaging with policymakers for enhanced uptake of the UNGPs in technology regulation.


Isabel Ebert


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