
Portrait of Melina Fidelis Tzourou News

Meet our Pictet Team: Melina Fidelis Tzourou

2 March 2020

Melina Fidelis Tzourou is enrolled in our LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. From 7 to 14 March, she will travel to Bali, Indonesia to represent the Geneva Academy at the Anglophone Edition of the 2020 Jean-Pictet Competition – along with Chiemelie Michael Agu and Yulia Mogutova.

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Photo of an art installation: The installation is made up of robots with eyes. When a user begins to interact with their smartphone, one of the robot eyes opens and begins looking around the room. When the interaction is over, the eye closes again. News

New Models of Governance Must Address the Human Rights Challenges Raised by Artificial Intelligence

2 March 2020

Our New Research Brief Human Rights and the Governance of Artificial Intelligence discusses the opportunities and risks that AI represents for human rights, recalls that international human rights law should occupy a central place in the governance of AI and outlines two additional avenues to regulation: public procurement and standardization.

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Portrait of Joanna Bourke Martignoni News

Meet our Researchers: Joanna Bourke Martignoni

27 February 2020

Dr Joanna Bourke Martignoni is one of our Senior Research Fellows. She is involved in several research projects dealing with gender, the right to food and land commercialization, as well as with gender equality in the context of business activities, and on economic, social and cultural rights and the Sustainable Development Goals.

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Portrait of Yulia Mogutova News

Meet our Pictet Team: Yulia Mogutova

25 February 2020

Yulia Mogutova is enrolled in our LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. From 7 to 14 March, she will travel to Bali, Indonesia to represent the Geneva Academy at the Anglophone Edition of the 2020 Jean-Pictet Competition – along with Chiemelie Michael Agu and Melina Fidelis Tzourou.

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Group photo of LLM students during their study trip News

Six Intense Days in the Balkans to Grasp with Current Humanitarian and Human Rights Challenges

24 February 2020

As part of the programme’s annual study trip, students of our LLM in International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and Human Rights travelled to Belgrade, Sarajevo and Budapest where they met experts and institutions who work in the fields of IHL, international human rights law and international criminal law.

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Portrait of Annyssa Bellal News

Meet our Researchers: Annyssa Bellal

20 February 2020

Dr Annyssa Bellal is a Senior Research Fellow at the Geneva Academy and our Strategic Adviser on International Humanitarian Law (IHL). She currently works on a research project on armed groups and IHL.

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Portrait of Chiemelie Michael Agu News

Meet our Pictet Team: Chiemelie Michael Agu

18 February 2020

Chiemelie Michael Agu is enrolled in our LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. He will travel to Bali, Indonesia to represent the Geneva Academy at the Anglophone Edition of the 2020 Jean-Pictet Competition – along with Melina Fidelis Tzourou and Yulia Mogutova.

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Portrait of Christophe Golay News

Dr Christophe Golay is Shortlisted for the Position of UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food

17 February 2020

Our Senior Research Fellow and Strategic Adviser on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Dr Christophe Golay, is a candidate for the position of United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to food.

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Secretary-General Antonio Guterres at the UN in Geneva (room of the UN Human Rights Council News

UN Secretary General Refers to our Work in his Latest Report on the Status of the Human Rights Treaty Body System

7 February 2020

In his latest report to the UN General Assembly on the status of the human rights treaty body system, António Guterres refers to our work on the future of UN treaty bodies.

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MAS in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law: What Alumni Say

6 February 2020

Juan Daniel Salazar is the Head of Cooperation and Strategic Alliances at Colombia’s National Center of Historical Memory, a national state institution in charge of the symbolic reparations for the victims of the Colombian armed conflict. He tells about the programme and what it brought to his career.

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