Executive Master in International Law in Armed Conflict: What Participants Say

27 March 2023

Daniel Fyfe follows our online Executive Master in International Law in Armed Conflict while working as an Associate Expert at the Office of the United Nations (UN) High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Geneva on UN treaty bodies’ individual communications procedures.

Prior to that, he worked for OHCHR in Colombia doing human rights monitoring and for FIAN International, mainly supporting FIAN’s advocacy efforts before the UN human rights system in Geneva and focussing on the issue of transnational corporations and human rights.

Why did you decide to Follow this Programme?

I felt that I lacked an in-depth understanding of international humanitarian law and the full complexity of how it relates to international human rights law. The Geneva Academy, as a renowned institution in this field of study, and the flexible format of the programme particularly attracted me.

What do you particularly enjoy about it?

I particularly enjoy following the four complementary modules at the same time and also the possibility we have to write a paper, which is an opportunity to confront the material studied in the courses with my field experience. I also enjoy the quality of teaching and the opportunity to exercise with case studies.

Does it meet your expectations?

I am very satisfied with the exigencies of the courses and their level of depth. The quality of teaching is also pleasing.

How is distance learning?

Distance learning is not ideal in order to get to know fellow course colleagues, who all have interesting profiles. However, this is an ideal format for me that allows me to accommodate a demanding job with a demanding programme.

Can you easily manage following this programme and working at the same time?

It does represent considerable work, on top of an already quite demanding job, but the schedule of the courses during lunchtime is helpful. The fact that all materials and course recordings are accessible online makes the format very flexible.

What will it bring to your career?

The possibility to produce a small piece of research and write a paper on a particular subject of international law is a plus. I’m also hoping this programme and the paper will enable me to build a bridge between my past experiences as a human rights practitioner and the field of international humanitarian law.

Would you recommend it?

I would very much recommend the programme, for its content, the quality of teaching and the flexible format it offers.


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