Executive Master in International Law in Armed Conflict: What Participants Say

13 March 2023

Myriam Haddad follows our online Executive Master in International Law in Armed Conflict while working as Legal Adviser at the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Libya.

In this position, she focuses on the promotion and dissemination of international humanitarian law and international human rights law amongst various audiences, including academic circles and the national Red Crescent Society. She also provides guidance on the applicable national and international legal frameworks in relation to various legal issues.

Why did you decide to Follow this Programme?

As a legal advisor, I believe this programme will help me to expand my knowledge in the field of international law in armed conflict and to engage in-deep legal discussions with key interlocutors.

What do you particularly enjoy about it?

I particularly enjoy the interconnections between the programme’s four modules – public international law, IHL, international human rights law, and international criminal law –, which enrich the learning process.

Does it meet your expectations?

Yes, it does meet my expectations. The variety of topics shared with other participants covers exactly all the facets of international law in armed conflict.

How is distance learning?

It is very practical for professionals like me who are unable to attend some courses due to professional commitments. The Moodle platform is very well designed and we can easily access all the courses’ recordings and relevant documents.

Can you easily manage following this programme and working at the same time?

It is sometimes difficult to attend classes due to other professional engagements. However, the option offered to listen to the recordings allows participants to catch up on previous sessions and stay updated.

What will it bring to your career?

I believe the Executive Master in International Law in Armed Conflict is a multi-disciplinary legal tool. It is an added value at both academic and professional levels. It will reinforce my knowledge of the international legal framework that applies in armed conflicts and enable me to advance in my professional career.

Would you recommend it?

Sure. I would recommend it to humanitarian and legal practitioners willing to get in depth knowledge in legal principles and developments related to armed conflict situations.


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