Fund an LLM Scholarship and Contribute to our One-Month Crowdfunding Campaign

1 December 2022

We are launching today a one-month crowdfunding campaign to raise funds for a scholarship to allow a talented European student with limited means and resources to follow our LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights.

‘Studying at the Geneva Academy can represent an important financial burden for students and their families. While thanks to the generous support of our donors we can offer every year more than 25 full scholarships – that cover the tuition fee and the cost of living in Geneva – for students from non-western countries, we only have one partial scholarship – covering the tuition fee – for EU citizens’ explains Professor Gloria Gaggioli, Director of the Geneva Academy.

‘This crowdfunding campaign aims precisely at filling this gap and at ensuring the diversity of our student body – social, geographical and cultural. Such a mix of students and perspectives is not only essential for our LLM, but also to address contemporary challenges in international humanitarian law and human rights’ she adds.

Your Contribution Counts

We could do much more with your support: every contribution matters.

You have the opportunity to contribute to an LLM scholarship that will cover the tuition fees of a European student with limited means for the upcoming 2023–2024 academic year. We talk about 18,000 Swiss Francs that can change someone's life and opportunities.

You can donate online until 31 December 2022.

‘I am myself an alumna of the LLM and following this programme changed my life and opened new doors for me – doors that I continue to open today. I still use every day what I have learned here and I hope that our LLM will continue to change the life and career of many other young talented students who want to use the law as a shield to prevent atrocities, bring justice and protect the most vulnerable’ says Gloria Gaggioli.

About the LLM: Training the Next Generation of IHL and Human Rights Specialists

Our LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights is a one-year postgraduate degree course that focuses on all rules applicable to armed conflicts.

By promoting both academic excellence and independent critical thinking, it equips those who will have to address complex crises, emerging humanitarian and human rights challenges or challenging processes such as criminal proceedings, international negotiations and humanitarian interventions with the knowledge and tools to alleviate suffering, fight impunity and provide redress to victims.


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