The Geneva Academy Flags Fly on the Mont-Blanc Bridge for our 15th Anniversary

14 November 2022

From 14 to 20 November, flags with the Geneva Academy’s logo will be flying on the Mont-Blanc Bridge on the occasion of our 15th anniversary. This will coincide with a series of events and activities related to this anniversary that will kick off this week.

‘We are very grateful to the City of Geneva for giving us this space to celebrate this important milestone. The Mont Blanc Bridge connects two sides of Geneva: its international and local ones. As an academic institution, we feel part of both and having our flags on this space during a week is a beautiful illustration of our mandate, constituencies and work’ says Professor Gloria Gaggioli, Director of the Geneva Academy.

‘On a more metaphorical level, building bridges – between the field and Geneva or between different legal frameworks or even disciplines – is exactly what we do’ she adds.

Geneva Academy flags on the Mont-Blanc bridge

Share your Photos on Social Media: #GAFlags

If you happen to be in Geneva or pass by the Mont-Blanc Bridge, take a photo and share it on social media using the #GAFlags hashtag!

A Dedicated Page on our Website

You can find on this page – which we regularly update – all our events, actions and posts related to this important milestone.


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