The PhD Forum: A Space for Exchange for Researchers and PhD Students

11 November 2022

The Geneva Academy PhD Forum provides a space of exchanges and discussions for PhD researchers and experts – in Geneva and beyond – who work in international humanitarian law, international human rights law, international criminal law, transitional justice, international refugee law and selected public international law topics.

Promoting Exchanges among Peers

Originally known as the Geneva Academy Wednesdays, this new format consists of a series of roundtables in a hybrid format – in person at the Geneva Academy and online via Zoom.

PhD students – who can be based in Geneva but also elsewhere – can present and discuss their work in progress with the main discussant – who can be a PhD peer or a well-established expert with rich experience and knowledge on the topic. Following the discussant’s first reaction to the presentation, the floor is open for further comments or questions from the attendees and discussion with the presenter.

‘We aim to provide PhD students with a space to share their ideas with colleagues in an informal, respectful and enjoyable setting, and benefit from constructive feedback and discussions’ explains our Teaching Assistant Agustina Becerra Vazquez, co-coordinator of the PhD Forums.

‘The PhD journey is a long and lonely one and promoting these exchanges and connections on topics of common interest is essential in order to get constructive feedback on our work’ underlines our Teaching Assistant Ana Srovin Coralli, co-coordinator of the PhD Forums.

Upcoming PhD Forum: the principle of equality of belligerents in non-international armed conflicts

The next session of the PhD Forum will take place on 29 November 2022 at 18:30 (Geneva time) in Geneva and online.

Philippe Jacques from the University of Louvain will discuss his research on the principle of equality of belligerents in non-international armed conflicts.

The main discussant for this event is Dr Ezequiel Heffes, an alumnus of the Geneva Academy and a Senior Policy and Legal Advisor at Geneva Call.

Drinks will be offered after the session.

To Be Updated about PHD Forums and Register for Upcoming Events

If you are interested in presenting your work and/or in attending the next series of events, you can subscribe to the PhD Forum mailing list.

A registration form for each event and a Zoom link for online participation will be shared via the mailing list. You can also contact the organizers at



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