25 March 2022
Our new Working Paper Strengthening State Accountability on Business and Human Rights at International Level examines existing mechanisms at the national, regional and international levels for holding states accountable for their performance in implementing the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). In doing so, the paper analyses gaps and opportunities and formulates a series of recommendations to improve this accountability.
‘Ten years after the UNGPs adoption – and as highlighted by the UNGPs 10+ Roadmap for the Next Decade of Business and Human Rights – it is key to ensure that proper implementation mechanisms are in place’ explains Felix Kirchmeier, Manager of Policy Studies at the Geneva Academy.
Geneva Academy
The paper analyzes the role, shortcomings and potential for accountability of national action plans on business and human rights, of the work of UN human rights mechanisms, as well as of peer review initiatives like the OECD. It develops specific recommendations to enhance accountability, notably via the development of implementation indicators and a centralized database to track and evaluate progress over time.
‘This paper will be of interest to policy-makers and state representatives who try to install stronger, albeit ‘soft law’ mechanisms for accountability’ underlines Felix Kirchmeier.
This paper forms part of our research that accompanied the development of the UNGPs 10+ Roadmap for the Next Decade of Business and Human Rights by the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights.
It also complements our research on disruptive technologies and rights-based resilience that supports the development of regulatory and policy responses to human rights challenges linked to digital technologies, including vis the implementation of the UNGPs in the technology space.
Our new research brief examines the complex relationship between digital technologies and their misuse in surveillance, cyberattacks, and disinformation campaigns.
Geneva Academy
The Geneva Human Rights Platform hosted an expert roundtable with the theme 'Opportunities for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Human Rights Monitoring.'
This event will identify strategies to strengthen Local and Regional Government collaboration with National Mechanisms for Implementation, Reporting, and Follow-up.
This Human Rights Conversation will highlight the significance of academic freedom, explore its legal foundations, and examine the concrete threats it faces.
Participants in this training course will gain practical insights into UN human rights mechanisms and their role in environmental protection and learn about how to address the interplay between international human rights and environmental law, and explore environmental litigation paths.
This training course will delve into the means and mechanisms through which national actors can best coordinate their human rights monitoring and implementation efforts, enabling them to strategically navigate the UN human rights system and use the various mechanisms available in their day-to-day work.
UN Photo / Jean-Marc Ferré
A series of events aimed at discussing contemporary issues and challenges related to the promotion and protection of human rights in Geneva and beyond.
Olivier Chamard/Geneva Academy
Geneva Academy
Geneva Academy