Ten Graduating Students Start a One-Year Traineeship at the ICRC

18 January 2022

Ten students from our LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights and MAS in Transitional Justice who graduated in October 2021 are starting a one-year traineeship at the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) headquarters in Geneva.

In the Legal Division and at the International Review of the Red Cross

Eight LLM alumni – Émilie Charpentier, Giulia Fattori, Stephanie Mutasa, Maxime Nijs, Florentina Pircher, Jimena Posleman, Caterina Trentin and Julio Veiga-Bezerra – will work as Associates in different units of the ICRC Legal Division. These include the Office of the Head of the Legal Division (Privileges and Immunities Team), the Commentaries Update Unit, the Advisory Service on IHL Unit, the Thematic Legal Advisers Unit, the Arms and Conduct of Hostilities Unit, and the Legal Advisers to the Operations Unit.

‘The LLM provided me not only with substantive knowledge in international humanitarian law but also taught me how to apply its rules to concrete situations while taking into account other legal bodies such as human rights law and international criminal law. The selection process to join the Legal Division of the ICRC is strict, highly competitive and tests us on all these skills. I am sure that I would not have succeeded without the legal training received from the Geneva Academy’ says Julio Veiga-Bezerra.

In addition, another LLM graduating student, Lea Mehari Redai, has also been selected by the ICRC to work as an Associate at the International Review of the Red Cross, which is also within the Department of International Law and Policy.

One graduating student from our MAS in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Bruna Perestrelo, will work in the Protection of the Civilian Population Unit (PCP) and will notably support ICRC’s work on community-based protection.

‘This is a great exposure for our students that will allow them to put in practice what they have learned in class. There is no better way to start a career in IHL and we are very grateful to the ICRC for giving them this opportunity’ says Professor Gloria Gaggioli, Director of the Geneva Academy.


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