Dr Annyssa Bellal Will Discuss IHL Monitoring and Compliance at the UNGA Ministerial Week

20 September 2021

Our Senior Research Fellow and Strategic Adviser on International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Dr Annyssa Bellal will discuss IHL monitoring and compliance at the High-Level Side Event during the United Nations (UN) General Assembly Ministerial Week International Humanitarian Law – Enhancing Monitoring, Improving Compliance.

Organized by the European Union, the Federal Republic of Germany, and the French Republic, this online side event – on 22 September 2021 at 13:30 EST – will discuss how to improve monitoring and analysis of violations of IHL to support policy-making and improve compliance.

A Crucial Academic Input and Recognition of Dr Bellal’s Expertise

Dr Bellal will share the floor with Janez Lenarčič (European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management), Jean-Yves Le Drian (French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs), Peter Maurer (President of the International Committee of the Red Cross), Jan Egeland (Secretary-General, Norwegian Refugee Council), Martin Griffiths (UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator) and Heiko Maas (German Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs).

‘It is a great recognition of both Dr Bellal’s expertise and of the work conducted by the Geneva Academy to be invited to reflect on the ways to improve IHL monitoring and compliance. The UN system as a whole, as highlighted by our research, has a role to play in ensuring respect for and implementation of IHL’ underlines Professor Gloria Gaggioli, Director of the Geneva Academy.

‘Having an academic and independent voice in these discussions is crucial and I am very grateful to the organizers for having invited me to share my views on this important issue’ says Dr Bellal.

Portrait of Dr Annyssa Bellal


IHL in Focus Launch Meeting News

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A session of the UN Human Rights Council Project

IHL Expert Pool

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Iraq, Mosul. View of the west bank after the war. Project

IHL in Focus

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