Cycling for a Geneva Academy Scholarship - A Transalpine Journey to the Cradle of the Red Cross

The four LLM students with their bicycle The four LLM students with their bicycle

25 April 2017

Alexis Comninos, Elena Engelke and Giovanni Papotti, currently enrolled in our LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, are embarking on a bicycle trip to Solferino, following the footsteps of Henry Dunant, to raise funds for a scholarship for next year’s LLM class. They need your support!

 Raising Funds for a LLM Scholarship

In 2014, three LLM students embarked on a journey to the birthplace of international humanitarian law and the Red Cross. Powered by the goal of raising funds for a scholarship for our LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, they cycled from Geneva all the way to Solferino, Italy, in four days.

Map Cycling for a Geneva Academy Scholarship

Three years later, Alexis Comninos, Elena Engelke and Giovanni Papotti, currently enrolled in our LLM, decided to take up the challenge and embark on the very same transalpine journey. Like their predecessors, they aspire to raise funds for a scholarship for next year’s LLM class (18,000 Swiss Francs).

‘We are truly grateful for our time at the Geneva Academy. With this project, we hope to give back, by allowing another aspiring human rights and humanitarian law expert to have the opportunity to benefit from such an enriching program of studies’ underlines Elena Engelke.

Cycling for a Geneva Academy Scholarship On Bicycle

Four Days to Cylce to Solferino

‘We will leave Geneva on Friday 28 July following the footsteps of Henry Dunant. This time, we endeavour to reach Solferino in only four days!’ adds Elena Engelke.

‘We will pedal through five cantons of Switzerland and one Italian region and over two of Switzerland’s most famous mountain passes, the Furka Pass and the Gotthard Pass. Our hope is to reach our destination by Monday 31st of July, after a journey of over 600 kilometers and about 10,000 meters of elevation’ says Giovanni Papotti.

Cycling for a Geneva Academy Scholarship Road

Support Them!

In order to reach their goal, they need your support: every donation counts, regardless of the amount! ‘We need to raise 18,000 Swiss Francs, which means 30 francs per kilometre!’ underlines Alexis Comninos

You can either contribute through their crowdfunding platform or, if you wish to donate by bank transfer, you can send them an email (elena.engelke[at]

You can also follow them on Facebook to get regular updates!

Cycling for a Geneva Academy Scholarship Villa Moynier


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