LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights: What our Students Say

Portrait of Emilie Charpentier in front of the ICRC Headquarters Portrait of Emilie Charpentier in front of the ICRC Headquarters

2 February 2021

In this interview, Émilie Charpentier, currently enrolled in our LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights (LLM) tells us about the programme and life in Geneva.

About Me

My name is Émilie and I am from Montreal, the French-speaking region of Canada. Before starting the LLM at the Geneva Academy, I obtained my bachelor’s degree in International Relations and International Law at the University of Quebec in Montreal. During my undergrad, I participated in various international competitions during which I developed a passion for international law, more precisely, international humanitarian law (IHL). I love to travel and have had the opportunity to visit a number of countries over the years, which has allowed me to meet people from several regions and nourish my humanistic side.

Why did you choose the LLM at the Geneva Academy?

I had been considering the LLM at the Geneva Academy since the second year of my undergrad. I was already interested in IHL and human rights because I want to use the law to make a positive change. My undergrad programme was more general, and it was important for me to specialize as an international jurist. All aspects of the programme were appealing: the opportunity to take exclusively international law courses, the high quality of the education, and its location in Geneva, which is a hub for IHL.

What are you particularly enjoying about this programme?

I am truly enjoying my experience at the Geneva Academy. The programme is very well designed and coordinated. The high quality of the teaching has met my expectations, and we study in-depth legal issues within different international law branches. I also appreciate that the students come from across the globe, with different experiences and backgrounds, which fosters interesting discussions and allows us to exchange perspectives.

Would you Recommend it?

I would recommend this programme to anyone who wants to specialize in this field. Not only will it give you a strong knowledge, but you will also have the opportunity to choose optional courses to study specific subjects within your own areas of interest.

What are you planning to do next?

My goal is to work in the field for an international organization, ideally as a legal advisor. I would like to help implement IHL and work to promote respect for human rights. I am also interested in taking part in humanitarian missions in zones of armed conflict to gain a better understanding of the reality on the ground. I am open to any opportunity that may arise, and I have no doubt that my training at the Geneva Academy will help me reach my goals.

Why did you choose to be photographed in front of the ICRC Headquarters?

I chose to be photographed in front of the ICRC Headquarters because this was the organization that sparked my interest in IHL. When I learned about the work of the ICRC, both its research and its fieldwork, I was inspired to practice in this branch of international law.


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