MAS in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law: What our Students Say

Portrait of Tatjana Milovanovi Portrait of Tatjana Milovanovi

14 December 2020

In this interview, Tatjana Milovanović, currently enrolled in our MAS in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law (MTJ), tells us about the programme.

About Me

I am an activist and human rights defender from Bosnia and Herzegovina and have been working for over 12 years in the fields of intercultural dialogue, reconciliation, and peacebuilding. I am currently the Programme Director of the Post-Conflict Research Center – a peacebuilding organization that works to cultivate an environment for sustainable peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the greater Balkans region. I am also an Associate Editor of Balkan Diskurs – an online platform for young activists and journalists that challenges stereotypes and shares diverse, independent views on society, culture, and politics. Finally, I hold an MA Degree in Democracy and Human Rights from the University of Sarajevo and University of Bologna, and a Law degree from the University of East Sarajevo.

Why did you choose the MTJ at the Geneva Academy?

Due to my legal background, the opportunity to further study international mechanisms for the protection of human rights and international humanitarian law has become one of the most useful tools offered by MTJ. After working as a practitioner for over 12 years, I have identified professionally the need to look at these areas theoretically to acquire a more solid framework to help me address these themes in the different projects and programmes I am currently involved in. Additionally, the MTJ is providing me with the necessary networking, knowledge transfer, and human rights advocacy skills to negate the inimical Balkan working environment.

What are you particularly enjoying about this programme?

I would consider the sheer amount of perspectives available to be the most important and enjoyable aspect of this programme. Opinions and creative and critical thinking by both my classmates and our professors and teaching assistants are a constant thought-provoking exercise that enables me to grow, learn and look at human rights and other topics offered by the programme in such different and exciting ways.

Would you recommend it?

I would wholeheartedly recommend the programme to anyone interested in engaging with the topics of human rights, transitional justice and the rule of law. As much as the programme itself is demanding and can seem complex at the time, the MTJ is unique for its ability to connect you with experts from all around the world who are keen to share their experiences but also truly learn from yours.

What are you planning to do next?

My future professional goal is to establish myself as an expert in effectively resolving issues around human rights protection, fostering tolerance, and increasing mutual understanding in the world. The knowledge and skillset offered by MTJ have been crucial to increasing my impact on promoting human rights and advancing rule of law practices in my country, where I will return after this programme and continue my work in the civil society sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


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