MAS in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law: What our Students Say

Tafadzwa Christmas, a Zimbabwean student enrolled in the Master of Advanced Studies in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law in front of the Villa Moynier, the Geneva Academy's headquarters Tafadzwa Christmas, a Zimbabwean student enrolled in the Master of Advanced Studies in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law in front of the Villa Moynier, the Geneva Academy's headquarters

2 February 2017

In this interview, Tafadzwa Christmas, a Zimbabwean student enrolled in the Master of Advanced Studies in Transitional Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law, tells us about the programme and life in Geneva.

Tafadzwa Christmas is a lawyer, who has worked in Zimbabwe and regionally as a human rights advocate and transitional justice practitioner.

Does the Programme Respond to your Expectations?

The programme manages to strike a great balance between theoretical studies and practical training. It is a must for every practitioner in the area of transitional justice, human rights and rule of law!

The programme has met my expectations as it seeks to mould an all-round professional who is not only able to function as a practitioner but also to comprehend and articulate the conceptual intricacies of the complex nexus interlinking transitional justice as a field, human rights and the rule of law. The lectures conducted by world renowned academics and leading practitioners are stimulating, enriching and enjoyable!

How is Life in Geneva?

Geneva is a cosmopolitan city. It exudes with diversity and acts as a meeting place for people from diverse cultures and societies. It is also a city filled with historical relics. This atmosphere of diversity, richness in historical heritage together with the back-drop of impressive towering buildings, housing not only UN offices but also various other multinational and global organizations, creates an inspirational environment.

The classes are also made up of diverse students from all over the world. This creates a great interactive platform for the exchange of knowledge and experiences, making new professional contacts and learning about other cultures.

The efficient transport system makes is possible to move about the city conveniently and easily, which is perfect both for commuting to and from classes and also for exploring! There is a lot see and a lot of places to visit and for the adventurer, Geneva can easily be a gateway to other nearby European cities and towns.

The summer is quite warm and the winter though chilly at times, is nothing a good jacket, woollen hat and scarf cannot beat.

Why Did you Choose to be Photographed at the Villa Moynier?

The Villa Moynier which now houses the Geneva Academy is a historic building which resonates with the spirit of humanitarianism passed on through generations from Gustave Moynier, the first President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to all of us today. It is inspiring having lectures in the villa which once housed countless iconic figures. The Villa to me stands as a perpetual call to join the luminaries of the past who worked in it, to also work to make our world a better place.


Portrait of Claire An News

MAS in Transitional Justice: What our Alumni Say

30 January 2024

As a Programme Officer at the UN Women Centre of Excellence for Gender Equality, Claire An forms part of a team focussing on ending violence against women and implements research programmes that measure femicide and technology-facilitated violence against women. In this interview, she tells about the programme, fond memories and what it brought to her career.

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