Two Alumni Edit a New Book on IHL and Non-State Actors

Cover page of the book Cover page of the book

3 December 2019

Two alumni of our LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, Ezequiel Heffes and Manuel Ventura are the editors, along with Marcos Kotlik, of a new book published by Springer on international humanitarian law (IHL) and non-state actors.

International Humanitarian Law and Non-State Actors: Debates, Law and Practice, by placing the focus of IHL beyond states, reflects on current legal, policy and practical issues that concern non-state actors in and around situations of armed conflict.

‘This book provides a comprehensive overview and solid analysis of contemporary issues related to IHL and non-state actors like detention by armed groups in non-international armed conflict, the question of extending international criminal responsibility to (non-state) organized collective entities or the use of private military and security companies under IHL’ underlines Marco Sassòli, Director of the Geneva Academy.

Contributions by Geneva Academy’s Alumni, Researchers and Faculty Members

Besides the two editors, several Geneva Academy’s alumni and Faculty members contributed to this volume, including Annyssa Bellal, Nader Diab, Brian Frenkel, Martina Gasser, Jean-Marie Henckaerts, Ilya Nuzov and Anne Quintin.

‘I really admire our alumni who manage simultaneously to apply what they learned holding key positions in practice and to develop it in scholarly writings. This is an ideal example of how the Geneva Academy can contribute to a world in which IHL is better respected, applied and understood’ stresses Marco Sassòli.


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