Geneva Diplomats Discuss Developments around the 2020 Treaty Body Review and Next Steps in New York

Papers related to the Geneva Human Rights Platform on a table Papers related to the Geneva Human Rights Platform on a table

8 November 2019

On 25 October 2019, staff from the Geneva Human Rights Platform (GHRP), the Office of the United Nations (UN) High Commissioner for Human Rights and invited experts briefed state representatives in Geneva about new research around follow-up mechanisms to treaty bodies (TBs) output, as well as the latest discussions towards the 2020 TB Review in New York.

The briefing also informed diplomats about the recent expert meeting, co-organized with the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights on the ‘TRIP: Technical Review of Implementation Progress ’ as a means to enhance follow-up and national level ownership of TBs recommendations.

It also provided an opportunity to reflect on the UN General Assembly side event on 8 October in New York and the state of debate preparing the upcoming TB Review outcome resolution, expected in 2020.

‘As we organize discussions in New York on the substantive questions of the 2020 review of the TB system, we continue to reflect New York's political debate on that topic in Geneva. We hope this way we can strengthen the inter-continental exchange much needed on this topic’ states Felix Kirchmeier, GHRP Executive Director.

The Geneva Academy Fridays

This meeting forms part of the Geneva Academy Fridays series. Hosted once a month, the Geneva Academy Fridays are a GHRP events series, addressing the diplomatic community and informing about research developments related to the process of strengthening the UN TB System.


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Final Report of the Treaty Body Follow-Up Review Pilot Series

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