Des cas tirés de la pratique des conflits armés mettent en lumière la pertinence des Conventions de Genève depuis 70 ans

Following its mandate under the Geneva Conventions, the ICRC facilitates the repatriation of a civilian internee to his country Following its mandate under the Geneva Conventions, the ICRC facilitates the repatriation of a civilian internee to his country

12 August 2019

À l'occasion des 70 ans des Conventions de Genève, adoptées le 12 août 1949, le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) diffusera aujourd'hui un recueil de cas tirés de la pratique des conflits armés – illustrant l'impact des Conventions de Genève de 1949 jusqu'à aujourd'hui – ainsi qu’une proposition de plan de cours pour des enseignants-es en droit international humanitaire (DIH).

Ces cas ont été élaborés par notre Directeur, le Professeur Marco Sassòli, ainsi que par deux alumna de l’Académie – Anne Quintin et Juliane Garcia Ravel. Ils sont tirés de l’ouvrage Un droit dans la guerre?. La version anglaise de cet ouvrage est régulièrement mise à jour en ligne par des étudiantes et étudiants de notre LLM en DIH et droits humains, sous la direction de notre Directeur et d'assistants de l'Académie.

Le recueil de cas et le plan de cous ont été produits en français par la Professeure Julia Grignon, ancienne chercheure à l'Académie, et son équipe à l'Université Laval (Québec).

‘Nous sommes fiers de rendre ces documents aujourd'hui publics et nous félicitons également Julia Grignon pour son anniversaire, le même jour que celui des Conventions de Genève’ souligne Marco Sassòli.


UN 79th General Assembly Side Event News

IHL at the Centre of High-Level Event at the 79th UN General Assembly

1 October 2024

During the 79th UN General Assembly Ministerial Week a high-level side event on the obligation to respect and ensure respect for International Humanitarian Law took place.

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The Jean-Pictet Competition: Learning Beyond the Classroom

10 December 2024

Each year, the Geneva Academy sends a team of students to the Jean-Pictet Competition. Participating in this leading moot court is a life-changing experience and an integral part of our programmes.

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Warzone Event

Advanced IHL Seminar for Academics and Policymakers

25-29 August 2025, 09:00-17:30

Co-hosted with the ICRC, this event aims to enhance the capacity of academics to teach and research international humanitarian law, while also equipping policymakers with an in-depth understanding of ongoing legal debates.

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Yemen,  Sana'a, Faj Attan district. Destruction. Short Course

The Rules Governing the Use of Force in International Law

9-17 April 2025

This online short course provides an overview of the content and evolution of the rules governing the use of unilateral force in international law, including military intervention on humanitarian grounds and the fight against international terrorism. It focuses on the practice of states and international organizations.

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Computer screen with warning: civilian infrastucture: do not attack Project

The Digitalization of Armed Conflict

Started in September 2020

This project will explore humanitarian consequences and protection needs caused by the digitalization of armed conflicts and the extent to which these needs are addressed by international law, especially international humanitarian law.

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Neutrotechology Project

Neurotechnology and Human Rights

Started in August 2023

This project addresses the human rights implications stemming from the development of neurotechnology for commercial, non-therapeutic ends, and is based on a partnership between the Geneva Academy, the Geneva University Neurocentre and the UN Human Rights Council Advisory Committee. 

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Cover of the 2023 Geneva Academy Annual Report Publication

Annual Report 2023

published on July 2024

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