Call for Papers: The Role of Human Rights Mechanisms in Implementing International Humanitarian Law

Voting during the  40th session of the Human Rights Council, March 2019 Voting during the  40th session of the Human Rights Council, March 2019

1 April 2019

In the perspective of a conference co-organized with the Global Studies Institute (University of Geneva), the Office of the United Nations (UN) High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and the Canton of Geneva, we invite proposals that address the role of human rights mechanisms in implementing international humanitarian law (IHL).

‘Proposals should focus on how human rights mechanisms could increase their impact on the respect of IHL and how the related risks can be reduced or avoided’ explains Professor Marco Sassòli, Director of the Geneva Academy.

‘The Geneva Academy will also prepare, for the conference, a policy paper on overcoming difficulties for human rights protection mechanisms to apply IHL’ he adds.


Graduate and postgraduate law researchers having obtained their PhD within the past 10 years.


Applicants are invited to submit proposals of up to 500 words, in English, plus a short biographical note of 100 words, and 5 keywords to Alice Breathe (alice.breath[at] by Wednesday 15 May 2019.

Applicants whose proposals have been selected will be informed by Monday 1 July 2019.

Final papers, of about 8,000 words in English, to be submitted by selected applicants will be due by Monday 30 September 2019.


The Conference will take place on 14-15 November in Geneva. It will bring together graduate and postgraduate researchers (selected on the basis of their proposals), experienced academics and practitioners from the UN, the International Committee of the Red Cross and elsewhere.


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