Olivier Chamard / Geneva Academy
5 March 2018
Leading academics, law enforcement experts and practitioners from different regions and legal backgrounds, and representatives from international organizations and civil society will join an academic working group to discuss use of force challenges in different contexts.
This academic working-group will address strategic approaches and responses to specific use of force issues like less lethal weapons, crowd control or the use of new technologies. Its composition will vary according to the topics discussed.
‘It was important for us to bring together leading use of force actors and institutions to reflect upon existing challenges and the way to address them’ underlines Kamelia Kemileva, Executive Manager at the Geneva Academy.
This academic working-groups forms part of the Geneva Human Rights Platform, which notably focuses on current human rights challenges related to the use of force.
‘The Geneva Human Rights Platform, hosted by the Geneva Academy, provides a dynamic forum in Geneva for all stakeholders in the field of human rights to discuss and debate topical issues and challenges’ recalls Kamelia Kemileva. ‘The objective is to foster interactions and discussions on topical issues and challenges through regular events, conferences, expert roundtables and private meetings’ she adds.
The academic working-group will start working on the issue of less-lethal weapons (LLW) for law enforcement purposes, related human rights challenges and the lack of international regulation and standards.
The objective is to develop a document to guide practice concerning the use of LLW and other equipment in law enforcement. This document will build on, and in no way challenge or update, the UN Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials and the UN Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials.
‘This issue is currently discussed at the UN Human Rights Council, at the UN Human Rights Committee and at the Conference on Disarmament, but also at the national and regional levels. It is therefore important to provide guidance on the human rights challenges related to the use of LLW and how to address them’ underlines Kamelia Kemileva.
Geneva Academy
The Geneva Academy’s Board has been recomposed with Professor Christian Bovet as the new president, who was recently welcomed at Villa Moynier by the executive committee.
Geneva Academy
The 2024 Annual Conference of the Geneva Human Rights Platform (GHRP), held on 5 November at Maison de la Paix, focused on the theme Human Rights System Under Pressure: A Reason to Expand Connectivity.
Join us for a one-night-only screening of Rule Breakers, directed by two-time Oscar-winner Bill Guttentag, telling the true story of Afghanistan’s first all-girls robotics team.
This event will identify strategies to strengthen Local and Regional Government collaboration with National Mechanisms for Implementation, Reporting, and Follow-up.
This training course will delve into the means and mechanisms through which national actors can best coordinate their human rights monitoring and implementation efforts, enabling them to strategically navigate the UN human rights system and use the various mechanisms available in their day-to-day work.
This training course will examine how the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights have been utilized to advance the concept of business respect for human rights throughout the UN system, the impact of the Guiding Principles on other international organizations, as well as the impact of standards and guidance developed by these different bodies.
CCPR Centre
The Geneva Human Rights Platform collaborates with a series of actors to reflect on the implementation of international human rights norms at the local level and propose solutions to improve uptake of recommendations and decisions taken by Geneva-based human rights bodies at the local level.
UN Photo/Violaine Martin
The IHL-EP works to strengthen the capacity of human rights mechanisms to incorporate IHL into their work in an efficacious and comprehensive manner. By so doing, it aims to address the normative and practical challenges that human rights bodies encounter when dealing with cases in which IHL applies.
Geneva Academy