Past Events

Image of the conference Event

Human Rights in a Digital Age

24 May 2018, 09:30-18:30

This conference, organized by the Human Rights, Big Data and Technology Project (HRBDT) and facilitated by the Geneva Academy, aims at discussing human rights in the digital age with Geneva-based institutions and experts.

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Afghan National Army in Kandahar Province Military Briefings

The Military Component in the Negotiation of International Humanitarian Law Instruments

19 May 2018, 11:00-13:00

This military briefing will discuss the balancing act involved in the negotiation of international humanitarian law instruments, particularly from a military perspective.

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Film et Débat: La jeune fille et la mort

15 May 2018, 18:30-20:30

Le film de Roman Polanski, La jeune fille et la mort sera suivi d'un débat modéré par le Professeur Riccardo Bocco, en présence de Sévane Garibian et Valeria Wagner.

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Cover page of the report Event

Academic Platform on the 2020 Treaty Body Review: Launch of the final report

7 May 2018, 12:30-14:30

The report details proposals for strengthening the treaty body system for 2020 and beyond and is the outcome of a three-year consultative process.

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Picture of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial in Japan Event

Abolishing Nuclear Weapons: Prospects and Challenges

2 May 2018, 18:30-20:00

This event proposes to discuss the international law principles governing the threat or use of nuclear weapons, as well as the significance of the nuclear weapons ban treaty for nuclear disarmament.

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Tana Delta region, Kipao village. Haduko benefits of a cash assistance programme of the ICRC for people affected by the drought. The assistance is sent through a mobile money service, and the receiver then makes a cash withdrawal from a mobile money vendo IHL Talks

Cash transfer programming in emergencies: implications for protection, rights and International Humanitarian Law

27 April 2018, 12:30-14:00

This IHL Talk will discuss the key principles which underpin the selection of cash as the means of assistance and how it aligns with core principles of international human rights and humanitarian law.

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A soldier examines components of an improvised explosive device. Improvised Explosive Devices

The 2018 UN Secretary General Report on Improvised Explosive Devices

19 April 2018

This event aims at discussing the  the United Nations Secretary General report on improvised explosive devices.

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Duch, le maître des forges de l’enfer Event

Film et Débat: Duch, le maître des forges de l’enfer

17 April 2018, 18:30-20:30

 La projection du film de Rithy Panh, dans lequel il interroge Kaing Guek Eav, dit Duch, sera suivie d'un débat modéré par Sévane Garibian, Professeure de droit (FNS) à l'Université de Genève.

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Destructions due to Nargis cyclone Event

International Disaster Law: Towards a Universal Convention?

16 April 2018, 12:15-14:00

This lecture by Giulio Bartolini will address the Draft Articles on the 'Protection of persons in the event of disasters' adopted by the International Law Commission in 2016.

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Banner of the UN Library Events Event

Rights, Faith and Fights - Legal Systems and Contemporary Conflicts

11 April 2018, 12:30-14:00

This UN Library Talk explores how political and faith considerations may affect the interpretation of the law, and how ‘faith’ and ‘rights’ could work together in creating better rights protection and better compliance with IHL.

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