EventThis event marks the launch of our LLM alumna Jelena Plamenac’s award-winning book ‘Unravelling Unlawful Confinement in Contemporary Armed Conflicts’ published by Brill.
Human Rights ConversationsThis Human Rights Conversation aims at looking at what this digitalization means for the universality of human rights.
EventL'édition 2022 de la triolgie ‘Exhumer la violence politique: 3 films, 3 débats’ se termine avec la projection du film Nostalgia de la luz de Patricio Guzmán.
Mitch Rosen, Unplash
Human Rights ConversationsThis Human Rights Conversation will discuss the monitoring of mega sporting events, such as the FIFA World Cup, by UN human rights mechanisms.
Xin Qiao
Military BriefingsThis Military Briefing will give an overview of the applicable legal frameworks related to the kind of weapons that can be used on the battlefield, and how they can be used.
L'édition 2022 de la triolgie ‘Exhumer la violence politique: 3 films, 3 débats’ se poursuit avec la projection du film The Seeker de Philippe Cornet.
The National Guard
Military BriefingsThis Military Briefing will discuss the impact of autonomous weapons on different aspects of international governance.
UN Women/Aurel Obreja
IHL TalksThis IHL Talk aims at shedding light on some of the legal issues stemming from the current armed conflict between Ukraine and Russia.
U.S. Navy
Military BriefingsThis Military Briefing will address the different areas of law that military lawyers have to grapple with, the military lawyer’s role, and the balancing of the decision-making between commanders and lawyers.
UN Photo/Loey Felipe
EventA conversation between Daniel Kipfer Fasciati, former Ombudsperson to the UNSC ISIL (Da'esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions and Professor Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, UN Special Rapporteur on counter-terrorism.