Event information

12 March 2018, 18:15-20:15


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IT STAYS WITH YOU: A film and Panel Discussion About Use of Force by UN Peacekeepers in Haiti


UN Peacekeepers in Haiti UN Peacekeepers in Haiti

‘It Stays With You’ is a documentary film about the impact on the local community of United Nations (UN) peacekeepers’ use of force in Cité Soleil, Haiti, during the period 2004-2007.

The film raises serious questions about the responsibilities of the UN with regard to non-targeted (but often foreseeable) deaths and injuries to civilians as a result of use of force by UN peacekeepers when carrying out mandated operations. The film is 50 minutes long, and will be followed by a panel discussion and questions from the audience.


  • Professor Noam Lubell, University of Essex, Swiss Chair of International Humanitarian Law at The Geneva Academy


  • Professor Siobhán Wills, University of Ulster, Director and Producer of the film (together with by Cahal McLaughlin)
  • Professor Christof Heyns, University of Pretoria, Member of the UN Human Rights Committee and former UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions


A light cocktail will follow the event.


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Rule of Law in Armed Conflicts (RULAC)

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