Event information

28 November 2023, 12:30-13:30
Register start 14 November 2023
Register end 28 November 2023


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Women's Perspectives on a Career in International Law: Navigating Human Rights Advocacy


Logo of the Atlas Network Logo of the Atlas Network

This event, co-organized with the ATLAS network, will feature women with diverse experiences and career paths in international law, specifically emphasizing their involvement in human rights advocacy.

They will delve into their individual journey and share the factors that influenced their career, pivotal moments and the obstacles they encountered, providing valuable insights and advice for professionals and students treading a similar path.


  • Paige Morrow, Co-Chair of ATLAS Geneva and Senior Legal Advisor to the UN Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression.


  • Jelena Aparac, Head of Policy, Advocacy and Research at Legal Action Worldwide
  • Lucy McKernan, Deputy Director, Geneva Advocacy at Human Rights Watch
  • Michelle Staggs Kelsall, Senior Lecturer in International Law, Co-Director of the Centre for Human Rights Law at SOAS University and Co-Founder of ATLAS


This event will be followed by drinks.



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