10 October 2023, 12:30-14:30
Register start 25 September 2023
Register end 9 October 2023
This event marks the launch in Geneva of the volume Armed Groups and International Law. In the Shadowland of Legality and Illegality (Edward Elgar, 2023), edited by Katharine Fortin and Ezequiel Heffes. On this occasion, panelists will reflect on the status of armed groups within a complex legal landscape, examining the tensions that arise due to their actions existing across a spectrum of legality and illegality.
Through its careful consideration of the status of armed groups within a complex legal landscape, Armed Groups and International Law identifies and examines the tensions that arise due to their actions existing across a spectrum of legality and illegality. Considering the number of armed groups currently exercising governance functions and controlling territory and population in the world, its analysis is especially topical.
Armed Groups and International Law provides essential peer-reviewed analyses of the place of armed groups in the legal framework. A collaborative effort between eminent scholars from different disciplines, it summarises various points of contention within the study of these armed actors, detailing examples that are highly relevant to the contemporary world. Armed Groups and International Law is an invitation to see ‘armed groups’ differently, focusing on the various functions and activities they undertake in armed conflict. Addressing law-making, rebel governance and accountability, this book will be of great benefit to students of international humanitarian law, human rights law, international criminal law, and public international law seeking to expand their understanding of the treatment of armed groups within the international legal system. It will also serve as a useful resource for practitioners working in the area of civilian protection and academics conducting research on armed conflict from a variety of disciplines.
This book launch will be followed by drinks.
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Each year, the Geneva Academy sends a team of students to the Jean-Pictet Competition. Participating in this leading moot court is a life-changing experience and an integral part of our programmes.
A new working paper, 'AI Decoded: Key Concepts and Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Human Rights and SDG Monitoring', has been published by the Geneva Human Rights Platform.
This event will identify strategies to strengthen Local and Regional Government collaboration with National Mechanisms for Implementation, Reporting, and Follow-up.
Co-hosted with the ICRC, this event aims to enhance the capacity of academics to teach and research international humanitarian law, while also equipping policymakers with an in-depth understanding of ongoing legal debates.
Participants in this training course will gain practical insights into UN human rights mechanisms and their role in environmental protection and learn about how to address the interplay between international human rights and environmental law, and explore environmental litigation paths.
This online short course provides an overview of the content and evolution of the rules governing the use of unilateral force in international law, including military intervention on humanitarian grounds and the fight against international terrorism. It focuses on the practice of states and international organizations.
To unpack the challenges raised by artificial intelligence, this project will target two emerging and under-researched areas: digital military technologies and neurotechnology.
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This project addresses the human rights implications stemming from the development of neurotechnology for commercial, non-therapeutic ends, and is based on a partnership between the Geneva Academy, the Geneva University Neurocentre and the UN Human Rights Council Advisory Committee.
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Geneva Academy