Event information

27 April 2023, 18:00-19:30


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Tackling Conflict‐Related Sexual Violence in Ukraine


MSF mobile healthcare supports a rural town in Ukraine A spider web of string represents the bureaucratic challenges survivors of sexual violence face when they try to get assistance. It is part of roll-playing game in an MSF-led training about sexual and MSF mobile healthcare supports a rural town in Ukraine A spider web of string represents the bureaucratic challenges survivors of sexual violence face when they try to get assistance. It is part of roll-playing game in an MSF-led training about sexual and

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Ukraine has set a world precedent in fighting for justice and reparation for survivors of conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV).

This panel, co-organized with the Global Survivors Fund,  brings together four leading voices who work on ensuring accountability and reparation for CRSV in Ukraine.

They will share their views and reflections on the measures implemented by the government on the topic of conflict-related sexual violence, the role of civil society and survivors, as well as challenges to fulfil the right to justice and obtain truth and reparation.


  • Clara Sandoval, Professor of Human Rights, Geneva Academy and Director of Programmes, Global Survivors Fund


  • Kateryna Levchenko, Ukrainian Government, Commissioner for Gender Policy
  • Iryna Dovgan, Head, Ukrainian Global Network of Victims and Survivors to End Wartime Sexual Violence (SEMA)
  • Khrystyna Kit, Head, Ukrainian Women Lawyers Association (JURFEM)
  • Esther Dingemans, Executive Director, Global Survivors Fund


Refreshments will be served after the event.


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