Event information

18 April 2023, 18:30-21:00


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International Law Responses to Russia’s Aggression – Building an International Reparation Mechanism for Ukraine


Portrait of Professor Chiara Giorgetti Portrait of Professor Chiara Giorgetti


In this lecture organized with the Geneva LLM in International Dispute Settlement (MIDS), Professor Chiara Giorgetti will focus on the current efforts to create a reparation mechanism for Ukraine in order to hold Russia liable for its violations of international law. She will notably explore past examples of claims commissions and highlight lessons learnt for the establishment of a new, ad hoc and flexible mechanism for Ukraine.

About Professor Chiara Giorgetti

Chiara Giorgetti is a Professor of Law at Richmond Law School and a Senior Fellow at Columbia’s Law School’ International Claims and Reparations Project. She is also a Vice-President of the American Branch of the International Law Association, an elected member of the American Law Institute and immediate past Chair of ITA’s Academic Council.

In May 2022, President Zelensky nominated her to a working group on the development and implementation of an international legal mechanism for compensation for damages caused to Ukraine as a result of Russia’s aggression.

Professor Giorgetti writes on issues of international dispute resolution and international investment arbitration and has authored/edited nine books and dozens of chapters and articles on these topics.

Her main publications include: The Rules, Practice, and Jurisprudence of International Courts And Tribunals; Litigating International Investment Disputes - A Practitioner’s Guide, Challenges and Recusal of Arbitrators and Judges in International Courts and Tribunals, and International Claims Commissions – Righting Wrongs After Conflict. Her edited volume Research Handbook on International Claims Commissions is forthcoming.

Professor Giorgetti holds a first degree in law from Bologna University, a MSc from the London School of Economics and an LLM and JSD from Yale Law School. She clerked at the International Court of Justice.


The lecture by Professor Giorgetti will be followed by a reception.


You need to register here to attend this lecture.


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